My baby boy is growing bigger everyday

in OCD2 years ago



Hello hivers, finally we've made it to the last month of the year and wow this is an indication that God is faithful to us; happy New month and welcome to my blog.

Children are heritage from the Lord


God takes upon himself the work of bringing man to the earth by wonderfully and fearfully creating them first as babies in the womb, they stay in the womb for nine month before coming out, they are brought forth as babies but they are not to remain babies forever. For years now I have been attending my friends child naming ceremony, I love babies 😍 because they are like beautiful gift which I receive from someone special and just can't keep my eyes away from it, today I will be sharing with you the lovely moments I've had with my five month old baby boy, actually when he was born I was so happy, though I knew that he will be an added responsibility to me as his father, that not withstanding everything about him made me smile, the way he sucks his finger, sleep and cry at night sometimes, my baby's name is delight but his mother calls him edima which means my beloved child in English. He is fair in complexion as you can see on the picture above.


This is delight in his first week of arrival to the earth, I must say it was full of sleepless night for me and the mother because delight will make the day time his night where he sleeps for longer hours and make the night his morning where he wakes up to suck, play and cry, anyway he later change and got to know when it is night and day time. His favourite food is breast milk and oto mboro which is made from unripe banana, his mother introduce it to him when he was four month old, she prepares it by first grating the banana, pour little water into the pot based on the quantity of banana and when it boils, she add a pinch of salt and some smoothly grated crayfish before adding the banana to the pot and cook for fifteen minutes with continuous stirring, the last thing to put into the pot is fresh and soft vegetable called mmeme.

Delight is making progress

As he grows he started giving signal of crying without tears whenever he's hungry, shake his head when he feels sleepy, currently he's learning how to sit and crawl, each time am at home I also teach him to sit down, we play together and he talks to me in his baby language that only God understand ha ha ha 😆!!!. As much as he enjoy my company, I enjoy his too because of the joy that flows from him.

This is where I draw the curtain for now thanks for reading. Thank you @focusnow and @ijelady for pointing me to Hive.


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Hello dear friend, congratulations to you. Your son is really making good progress. Please kindly follow the instructions below. Let's make hive a better home

This is beautiful, the love of a good father to his Son is showing all over you @prudenth85.

As a newbie try to study communities so as to know where your post should go.

Baby brings joy and good things to the parents, congratulations 🎉.

The switch in day and night for babies is very funny. In time, as he is growing up, he will get used to it.
Awwwuuunnn, big plumpy cheeks