An updated banner animation for SplinterLands
My work has slowed down some in the last 10 days, so I wanted to finish off this banner. It's an improvement over previous ones because the characters move a bit nicer. The energy waves, cape, hair on the ninja character all move. For the fox guy, the ears, fur, flames and tail have a bit of flowing motion. I explain how later on in the post.Techniques: Mimosa
Without having a layered character file that was intentionally set up for animation, it was a challenge. However, here's what I did:1) Separate the cape in Photoshop and then, in After Effects, apply a continuous turbulent displace effect so it looks like it's moving in the wind.
2) Apply puppet pins to the hair tips, collar and coat extremities and then give them a wiggle script. The hollow yellow pins you see aren't animated, but they were needed to prevent certain parts from moving along with the animated parts.
3) Use variations of the liquify effect to move the energy wisps. It's not an exact science, so I had to do my best.
4) Both cape and character were linked to the green square, which moves the character up and down slowly, giving it more life.
Techniques: Zaku
Somewhat easier; Here are the steps taken:1) Photoshop the flames off of the character and re-create them on separate layers, then add a continuous turbulent displace effect.
2) Add puppet pins to fur, ears and tail, while adding inactive puppet pins to prevent unintended movement on other parts. Use a position wiggle effect to make continuous and randomized motion.
3) Attach both flames and the character to a null object with a ping-pong loop - moving it up and down.

And that's it!
Another improvement is that the characters have a mesh-warp when they collide, and the flash happens a lot more quickly. Last year's version was a bit silly, because the wolf-dude and cyclops jiggled around like they were fighting... it looked a little ridiculous.Gotta go or whatever.

Looks amazing great! Love the explosion at the end!
I want to serve that fox monster a bowl of dog food!
Glad to see you up and about here again.
Only for a short time though... Life is too tricky and demanding :(
Especially when you have multiple accounts.
Wow, that is some really cool animation. The moving elements from the original are looking very convincing. And you did that in After Effects? I should play around with something like that as well. Looks fun.
This post would have been perfect for the #creativecoin tag as well. People have been stacking up on it recently because dCity is using a sink for it and many communities here are curating creative posts like yours with it.
Yes, After Effects, I think you'll find it's pretty easy to do. Ideally nice to have the photoshop layered, but there are work-arounds! And just a little bit of simple scripting saves a lot of tedious effort.
A lot going on with Hive lately, I feel kind of bad for missing out, but life is quite demanding, way more than I had anticipated....
I LOVE this so much! It's so awesome! I'm going to post your others here to show people- I will still use the Splinterlands one sometimes but I just LOVE the new one!! Thank you!

Hello!! I don't think I did the one with the blue background, though, just the last two. :D
I make banners FUN!
amigo,mil bendiciones para usted,como esta,como le ha ido,como esta la familia,tantos dias sin saber de usted,esta muy alejado pero me alegra que sea por su bienestar,yo muy agradecida de usted porque me ayude mucho con los steem y ayude a otros tambien con algo,lamento que hace dias se terminaron y la situacion la estoy viviendo muy mal,no tengo nada amigo,los sueldos aqui no alcanzan para 2 harinas de mais al mes,imaginese,pero creo mucho en Dios y en su palabra que no voy a caer el me enviara alguien en mi rescate,saludos amigo me alegro de encontrarlo,ah tambien esta alejado streestyle,no publico mas
Hahahahahahahahaha you are crazy!!!
Why are the crazzy? :(
I don't even like monsters:(
What you said about the first animation and then I saw it in the comments, I lololololol'd very hard 😂😂😂
Yes the cyclops and the wolf guy are very strange friends :(
They fight like when kids put their toys in a battle 😂
Was I the drunk when I made that animation????
muy buena su creatividad jajaja saludos siga cosechando éxito en todo lo que se proponga
Wow that's a big surprise for me. I celebrated yesterday my 4 years on the blockchain. Won a big price, great upvotes and now this awesome delegation. Did I win that delegation as well in a contest ? I'm really happy about that. Thanks a lot. It's a great surprise ! ☺
Congratulations! You have always been a good community builder. There is no contest actually. I was thinking, a 30 day delegation for you. Does this sound good???
I wished it could be longer. But a month is good as well. I wrote what I gonna do with it in a post. But, I'm ready to do that longer if that possible. You can ask from me what you would like me to do for that. I'm ready for almost anything. It's like a motivation to keep building here. We even may create a good economy from that. I don't know. I gave many ideas. Finally @dcooperation may look sexy. We can do a lot together. If that possible, please send me a lonk where I can talk to you more. Discord for example !
Here is the post I wrote about that Being a dolphin in hive ! and I will do more with @dcooperation. That may help me to create the huge thing I always wanted.
Will see if there can at least be a compromise. I'll know more later on!!
ok. You can always contact me here, or find me in twitter : https://twitter.com/clixmoney1
Or you can contact me in discord as clixmoney#0084 and I created also a server to build the community again : https://discord.gg/YhfG778yCw
hey, I'm thinking of a way to reward delegators while building @dcooperation. Since I already have your delegation, I'm ready to send you a % from the curation rewards and a % of what will be earned from @dcooperation. I think if we will create a good way to reward delegators, that will be awesome and I may get a lot of delegation and everyone will be happy. My curation is mostly manual now and I support mostly those who are in need. So, that % shouldn't be that high because my goal is not to earn the maximum curation rewards, but to support as much creators as I can. I will also push people to send me some content to share in @dcooperation to power up that account as well. That will be also a good support for those who will be active in the community. I have now there about 3000 hive power delegated from the previous members. So, in case people will delegate for the community, that will be only for support because all the curation rewards are powered up there to grow the account. I'm doing the same with my account as well, but I think if I'm earning curation rewards with your power, I should share some.
Please let me know about what do you think ? I really want to build something good for the community. I just want people excited about the blockchain. @overkillcoin
Hello! Please do NOT send any rewards to me at all. Use any benefits to growth the community instead!!!
If you want to over rewards to others who delegate, that's up to you, but I ask that you don't send any. Thanks!!! :D
Ok, thanks a lot for your support. I'll do my best to make it useful to the community. I hope that will last at least for a few months or even if a year, that will be just awesome. :) But, it's up to you. I hope I will satisy your exoectations from me. ☺
Hi hi .. 😋