Help Our Little Big Friend 🐶 Beat Osteosarcoma : Fundraising for his treatment

in OCD2 years ago

Diablo is a friendly and loving dog who has been diagnosed with osteosarcoma, an aggressive type of bone cancer. Despite this, Diablo has a great spirit and continues to enjoy life. But treatment for osteosarcoma is expensive and we need help to cover the costs - join us in helping Diablo beat osteosarcoma.

Objective of the campaign:

Our goal is to raise money to help cover the costs of Diablo's treatment. With your help, we can make sure Diablo gets the treatment he needs to fight osteosarcoma.

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has been an important part of our family for years. Since he came into our lives, he has been a faithful and playful companion, filling our days with joy and love. Unfortunately, he was recently diagnosed with osteosarcoma, a type of bone cancer that can be very aggressive and difficult to treat. As part of our family, we cannot let this terrible diagnosis take him away from us. That is why we are launching this fundraising campaign to help finance his treatment. please help. "Nuoscaris" - Dog owner .

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How you can help

Donating: any amount is welcome and will be of great help. You can make a donation through BinancePay, or by contacting Diablo's family directly at

Sharing: Help spread the word about the campaign by sharing it on your social networks, groups of friends and family, and anywhere else you think they might be interested in helping.

Participating in fundraising events: fundraising events will be held in the coming days, through the hive blockchain and other means in which you can participate and help Diablo to overcome this disease, you can leave your vote with the certainty that the resources of this post and those to come, will be for this cause.

Offering support: if you are unable to make a donation, you can offer your support to Diablo's family. Your help can be invaluable at a time like this.

With your help, we can help Diablo fight osteosarcoma and make sure he gets the treatment he needs - join us and help us beat osteosarcoma!

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Please join us in this campaign to help our canine friend overcome this disease. Your contribution will make a huge difference in his life and will allow him to remain part of our family for many years to come.

Thank you for your generosity and support at this difficult time. Together, we can help our furry friend beat this battle against bone cancer.

We will share their progress and keep you updated on the situation of our furry friend.


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The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @daniel2001, @emp2-00com ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

Hey @otrobeta it would be also cool if you could cross-posting this post to Hive pet community. And also next time, you can post anything related to your pet and the progress into Hive pet community as it would be better if this also gets more exposure to pet lovers who might help. You can also still cross-post in OCD.

I'd like to remind you of our rule on the right side bar

Try submitting your content to the more appropriate communities before OCD unless you feel it does not belong in any and is original content that works within our rules.

Cross posting from the other communities to get visibility from OCDs subscribers is okay as long as the original is posted in the appropriate community.

See you in hive pet community!

Thank you very much for your advice, I will do exactly what you recommend, all in the interest of helping our furry friend.

Wow amigo te entiendo perfectamente! Tengo una perrita en casa que ya está en edad algo avanzada y la comunidad de Hive me ha ayudado con su tratamiento cuando fue operada y actualmente está superando un cuadro de alergia y de la enfermedad de la garrapata, haré promoción como pueda y trataré de mostrar todo el apoyo que esté a mi alcance. Espero y tú perrito de mejore pronto, eres una buena persona al pensar en tu mascota ☺️ no todas las personas hacen eso.

¡Saludos desde La ciudad de Maracay, Estado Aragua - Venezuela!

Gracias mi amigo, cabe descatar que no es mi perro, es un buen amigo. El perro es de una amiga muy cercana que necesita toda la ayuda posible, muy agradecida ñaño por tu apoyo.

Espero y puedas recolectar lo necesario amigo😟

Parace que aquí en "hive" no hay realmente apoyo a causas sociales, me entristese mucho que hayan ignorado este caso de esta forma y que sean pocos los que estan apoyando, cuando se trata de algo realmente conmovedor. Seguiré haciendo mi labor social sin importar nada, y sacaré mi inversión de esta plataforma hace mas de 2 meses inverti 20$ y sigo teniendo mis 20$ ni sube ni baja :S NO APOYAN todos tiene su "huequito" su gente su circulo que no brindan apoyo a las personas externas que intentan hacer algo más.

We can help...

Where is @woodathegsd

Here boy!

oh thank you very much, I also love the herb, I will follow you and I will be sharing progress of our friend rotwailler is very bad :C we have not yet been able to collect for treatment, it is likely to amputate his leg, but it has to be soon for the disease does not progress

I've been working on trying to build a community that can help. I post dog pictures and operate his account to try to raise enough money just in case anything does happen we can get him some help.

My last dog @zeusflatsak was awesome.