Dante Alighieri; also shows us his philosophy or rather a doctrine on which is based a plane of the earthly and the separation of the various spiritual planes comes to be the second concept, symbolizes the human action between good and evil, the way to a condemnation of sin showing something deeper than a literature, rather an illustration of a spiritual world of condemnation in several rings or rather than a hell is free will of men, where to reveal themselves and choose the path to be walked by his soul.
In the perspective of a conceptual basis for Dante, shows us a philosophy of morality of that medial essence, where it links the spiritual and free will of man so only embark on the need for in a paradox of the divine action of thumb sins for the being to reach the best version of himself and be able to contemplate God, as I told you earlier is the essence that breaks from a classical and ancient philosophy beyond the moral and judgment of each being.
of Dante, the characters and events that surrounded him, the intrigues in which he was immersed and the logogrifos, behind which hides the great knowledge the poet was depositary. A knowledge that was transmitted until culminating with the Renaissance and the mara6corte of the Medici, where the slaves brought from China were mixed, with the world of the labyrinths, and the secret doctrine of the great initiates all permeated them. Inferno: (Includes Decoding Dante) for Dante Alighieri, 2013.
Within his erudition he shows the way of truth and justice, where more beyond a theology of God, each being must be considered after having been purified, then there yes the true essence can be appreciated, it is a kind of assuming and recognizing the sins or injustice committed in the plane of earthly life, according to the degree of sin Dante shows us within his freedom of his literature or lyric a hell with several rings, levels according to the sin of each being exercised in his life, which needs to be addressed or the action of justice in a purgatory of Alma with the free will of man, this clear a philosophy of allegory illustrated in lyrical own of this author.