@galenkp here is my weekend engagement. This is a drawing of me doing what I love to do and sincerely, drawing is my passion and when I saw this initiative from you, I said this is a nice opportunity for me to showcase my skill and passion. What I love doing is drawing and creating and I have the opportunity again to draw out what I really love to do. Thank you so much for this @galenkp
Thank you so much for the support and encouragement @galenkp
MirrorsDrawings of Infinity @galenkp.I have always been fascinated by them.
Yeah, that's what I was getting at. An infinite vision, drawing after drawing. So many @oladele-art's all drawing each other. Freaky, yet pleasing to my OCD.
Oh, true. You did explained that to me earlier
That will be awesome
today.You did a great job, I like it.
Thank you so much. I really appreciate. I am glad you like it
A drawing of you drawing...I like the symmetry of it.
The only thing that could top this would be a picture of you drawing yourself, in which you were drawing yourself...And in that drawing you were also drawing yourself.
That would be a lot of you's all on one page I guess though. 😂