in OCD4 years ago


Light and darkness
Cannot live together
But we know in the
Presence of darkness light shines
We know in the presence of
Light darkness leaves

Light is good
And darkness is evil
But we are also told to
Overcome evil with good
And not be overcome
With evil in our good
We are told not to allow
Our good to be evil spoken of
So we put our good in the scale
Of justice


Evil Entertainments
corrupts Good manners
We are told two
Cannot walk together
Except they agree
Did they not tell you
That night and day
Were made the same day?
Did they not tell
Us that the sun
Was for the day
And the moon was
For the night?
Everyday has night and day?

So we know
In the beginning
The earth was dark
Void and without form
Then out of darkness light came.

And like a galaxy through continuous
Showering of
Shines it got
Darkness to plan
It's role for him
Darkness lies, a prostrate whore
Light, the Golden fleece
Antigone, the twist of dark lights!