OCD POSH Curation Report #108
Post Link: videogame Formula 1 2010
POSH Link:
Author: @franz54
Relevant Tag(s): #game, #racing, #review, #blog, #video, #hivegaming.
Post Link: [ESP| ENG] Into the unknown vs Mucho más allá 🥊💥🎶🎶
POSH Link:
Author: @dimeshana
Relevant Tag(s): #disney, #frozen, #frozen2, #movie
Post Link: ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #7: How do you feel in this moment?
POSH Link:
Author: @thisismylife
Relevant Tag(s): #qotw, #ecotrain, #community, #answer
Post Link: [ENG|ESP] Truths that are lies
POSH Link:
Author: @davpe
Relevant Tag(s): #life, #Literature, #poetry
Post Link: Power Blade: A classic that showed a lot of style
POSH Link:
Author: @marcoquin
Relevant Tag(s): #review, #videogames, #nintendo, #gaming
Post Link: Adoptamos a una hermosa perrita. // We adopted a beautiful dog.
POSH Link:
Author: @pacachatamusic
Relevant Tag(s): #dog
Post Link: Northern Lights, painting on canvas
POSH Link:
Author: @theia7
Relevant Tag(s): #art, #painting, #acrylicart, #northernlights, #Original
Post Link: A video game where we kill for pleasure, Party Hard first impressions - EN/ES
POSH Link:
Author: @gabotask
Relevant Tag(s): #Gaming, #PartyHard
Post Link: Virtual classes - Do they really teach anything? | My experience as a university student
POSH Link:
Author: @gabrielserra
Relevant Tag(s): #education, #virtualclass, #experience
Post Link: Il Nido ( The Nest ) / FILM REVIEW [ENG - ESP]
POSH Link:
Author: @jcrodriguez
Relevant Tag(s): #FILM, #REVIEW, #movie, #horror
Post Link: (Esp-Eng) Hermosa Flor de Loto en origami/ Beautiful Lotus Flower in origami (Tutorial)
POSH Link:
Author: @suzaku8
Relevant Tag(s): #Origami, #Flowers, #lotus, #tutorial, #art
Post Link: Keichitsu / 啓蟄 (ENG/JPN)
POSH Link:
Author: @yadamaniart
Relevant Tag(s): #art, #abstract, #mixedmedia, #painting
Post Link: [Gaming Impressions] Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Announcements
POSH Link:
Author: @ahmadmanga
Relevant Tag(s): #DragonQuest, #DQXII, #DQIII, #DQIIIHD, #Erdrick
Post Link: Visiting an island where there are many grasshoppers
POSH Link:
Author: @soehada
Relevant Tag(s): #amazingnature, #Haveyoubeenhere, #macrophotography, #island, #life
Post Link: [Esp-Eng] Pequeño tanque de guerra de papel📃-Small paper war tank
POSH Link:
Author: @engerbertms
Relevant Tag(s): #origami, #hiveorigami, #hivecreations
Post Link: Prototyping a load cart: From design to a built output 👩🏻💻⇨ 👩🏻🔧
POSH Link:
Author: @travelingmercies
Relevant Tag(s): #diy, #science, #builtit, #stemsocial, #stemgeeks, #proofofbrain, #stem, #design
Post Link: (ESP-ENG) Reseña de película - Es el turno de "Cruella" // Movie Review - It is the turn of "Cruella".
POSH Link:
Author: @javyeslava.photo
Relevant Tag(s): #Cruella, #CruellaDeVil, #DisneyPlus
Post Link: [ENG + ESP] Invincible (7/10) - "I’m gonna blast that smile off your stupid, green face."
POSH Link:
Author: @dedicatedguy
Relevant Tag(s): #series, #animation, #action, #drama, #entertainment
Post Link: Alligators 🐊 Bears 🐻 Snakes 🐍 Panthers 🐆 Welcome to Florida!
POSH Link:
Author: @yahia-lababidi
Relevant Tag(s): #MemorialDayWeekend, #animals, #blog

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Thank you @ocbd /@ocd team for support and curation. Have a great day. Love
You're very welcome, @theia7 and hope you're having a great day too! 😊
Thank you for the inspirational motive @traciyork
Nice work done by OCD cheers
Thanks for the shout out & I have to agree that the OCD team does nice work @repayme4568! 😂
Thank you very much, the OCD team and also to the qurators, who have chosen me for this nomination, I wish you all success and happiness with you. 🙏🙏🙏
You are very welcome @soehada and best wishes back to you! 😊
Thank you for the support <3
You're very welcome for the support, @thisismylife! 😊
Very grateful to all the OCD team for their support to our content, I hope you have a great day, health and blessings!
Right back at you, @marcoquin and you're very welcome! 😊
Thank you very much for your support team @ocd !
On behalf of the team, you're very welcome @gabrielserra! 😊
Thank you, I really admire your work and dedication that you contribute to the community. Cheers @traciyork 🤗
Thanks for the support, grateful!😊
You're entirely welcome, @gabotask! 😊
Muy agradecido esto me motiva aún más a seguir 💪🏻
¡Eres bienvenido @pacachatamusic y estoy muy feliz de escuchar eso! 😊
You're very welcome @pacachatamusic and I'm so happy to hear that!