OCD POSH Curation Compilation #108

in OCD4 years ago
Authored by @ybanezkim26

OCD POSH Curation Report #108

Hello everyone! This is the 108th compilation post of OCD POSH Curation initiative. We are now curating posts that are shared on Twitter and Reddit. Provided that the Twitter and Reddit links are shared in OCD Discord community via #twitter-posh and #reddit-posh channels, respectively, we will look at each link and its subsequent post and curate them based on our selected criteria. As for the criteria, you can find some of them near the end of this post.

We are doing this because we believe that every post shared on social media promotes Hive. POSH Curation is limited to Twitter and Reddit for now, but we might extend it to other social media sites like Facebook or Instagram.

This also means we will not automatically curate content even if it's shared on Twitter. Criterion #2 still precedes every other criterion. You might have noticed that some authors are curated more than once. That's because they're the ones who keep on sharing their posts on Twitter. So, I encourage everyone to #posh and then shared their posh links to OCD Discord channel. This way, we'll have more variety in the compilation posts.

Since this initiative aims to incentivize #poshed content, relevant tags should be strictly enforced (See criterion #3). It can still be observed that some decent posts didn't have any relevant tags on them. Again, we will not curate posts that do not contain any relevant tags on Twitter.

Just like how OCD is supporting niche communities under its Incubation Program, POSH Curation is like a community in itself within OCD. As community leaders have their own curation report, we have this curation report as well.

Here are the posts curated within May 29, 2021:

Post Link: videogame Formula 1 2010
POSH Link:

Author: @franz54 Relevant Tag(s): #game, #racing, #review, #blog, #video, #hivegaming.

Post Link: [ESP| ENG] Into the unknown vs Mucho más allá 🥊💥🎶🎶
POSH Link:

Author: @dimeshana Relevant Tag(s): #disney, #frozen, #frozen2, #movie

Post Link: ecoTrain Question Of The Week Season 6 #7: How do you feel in this moment?
POSH Link:

Author: @thisismylife Relevant Tag(s): #qotw, #ecotrain, #community, #answer

Post Link: [ENG|ESP] Truths that are lies
POSH Link:

Author: @davpe Relevant Tag(s): #life, #Literature, #poetry

Post Link: Power Blade: A classic that showed a lot of style
POSH Link:

Author: @marcoquin Relevant Tag(s): #review, #videogames, #nintendo, #gaming

Post Link: Adoptamos a una hermosa perrita. // We adopted a beautiful dog.
POSH Link:

Author: @pacachatamusic Relevant Tag(s): #dog

Post Link: Northern Lights, painting on canvas
POSH Link:

Author: @theia7 Relevant Tag(s): #art, #painting, #acrylicart, #northernlights, #Original

Post Link: A video game where we kill for pleasure, Party Hard first impressions - EN/ES
POSH Link:

Author: @gabotask Relevant Tag(s): #Gaming, #PartyHard

Post Link: Virtual classes - Do they really teach anything? | My experience as a university student
POSH Link:

Author: @gabrielserra Relevant Tag(s): #education, #virtualclass, #experience

Post Link: Il Nido ( The Nest ) / FILM REVIEW [ENG - ESP]
POSH Link:

Author: @jcrodriguez Relevant Tag(s): #FILM, #REVIEW, #movie, #horror

Post Link: (Esp-Eng) Hermosa Flor de Loto en origami/ Beautiful Lotus Flower in origami (Tutorial)
POSH Link:

Author: @suzaku8 Relevant Tag(s): #Origami, #Flowers, #lotus, #tutorial, #art

Post Link: Keichitsu / 啓蟄 (ENG/JPN)
POSH Link:

Author: @yadamaniart Relevant Tag(s): #art, #abstract, #mixedmedia, #painting

Post Link: [Gaming Impressions] Dragon Quest 35th Anniversary Announcements
POSH Link:

Author: @ahmadmanga Relevant Tag(s): #DragonQuest, #DQXII, #DQIII, #DQIIIHD, #Erdrick

Post Link: Visiting an island where there are many grasshoppers
POSH Link:

Author: @soehada Relevant Tag(s): #amazingnature, #Haveyoubeenhere, #macrophotography, #island, #life

Post Link: [Esp-Eng] Pequeño tanque de guerra de papel📃-Small paper war tank
POSH Link:

Author: @engerbertms Relevant Tag(s): #origami, #hiveorigami, #hivecreations

Post Link: Prototyping a load cart: From design to a built output 👩🏻‍💻⇨ 👩🏻‍🔧
POSH Link:

Author: @travelingmercies Relevant Tag(s): #diy, #science, #builtit, #stemsocial, #stemgeeks, #proofofbrain, #stem, #design

Post Link: (ESP-ENG) Reseña de película - Es el turno de "Cruella" // Movie Review - It is the turn of "Cruella".
POSH Link:

Author: @javyeslava.photo Relevant Tag(s): #Cruella, #CruellaDeVil, #DisneyPlus

Post Link: [ENG + ESP] Invincible (7/10) - "I’m gonna blast that smile off your stupid, green face."
POSH Link:

Author: @dedicatedguy Relevant Tag(s): #series, #animation, #action, #drama, #entertainment

Post Link: Alligators 🐊 Bears 🐻 Snakes 🐍 Panthers 🐆 Welcome to Florida!
POSH Link:

Author: @yahia-lababidi Relevant Tag(s): #MemorialDayWeekend, #animals, #blog

Suggestion: Use English tags.

We encourage you to visit these blogs and show these great Hivers your support.

Curation Criteria:

1. Posts must be shared to Twitter or Reddit and the link must be shared to the designated channel in OCD Discord server.
2. Posts must be of quality.
3. Make sure that tag usage is appropriate on Twitter, not only $/#hive but also other relevant tags to the content.
4. Author is encouraged to engage in OCD community and not just drop their POSH links there. Engagement will be considered in the curation.

Did you know that sharing your posts to Twitter will not only give you a chance of POSH curation but also let you earn some PoSH tokens? The number of tokens earned will be proportional to the engagements of your Twitter link (likes and retweets). While the PoSH token has no value yet, plans about the token have been shared by this post. You can find more about the token on the website, as well as information on how many others are registered and are sharing Hive links daily. Instructions on how to register can also be found on the website. Supplemental information about the registration can be found in this post. If you encounter difficulties during registration, you can always message in OCD's Discord channel.

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!

HiveSigner or on Hive Witnesses.You can vote for @ocd-witness, with

thegoodwhales.io. @ocdb supports community curation! You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards - check out

Join our Discord channel for more information.



Thank you @ocbd /@ocd team for support and curation. Have a great day. Love

You're very welcome, @theia7 and hope you're having a great day too! 😊

Thank you for the inspirational motive @traciyork

Nice work done by OCD cheers

Thanks for the shout out & I have to agree that the OCD team does nice work @repayme4568! 😂

Thank you very much, the OCD team and also to the qurators, who have chosen me for this nomination, I wish you all success and happiness with you. 🙏🙏🙏

You are very welcome @soehada and best wishes back to you! 😊

Thank you for the support <3

You're very welcome for the support, @thisismylife! 😊

Very grateful to all the OCD team for their support to our content, I hope you have a great day, health and blessings!

Right back at you, @marcoquin and you're very welcome! 😊

Thank you very much for your support team @ocd !

On behalf of the team, you're very welcome @gabrielserra! 😊

Thank you, I really admire your work and dedication that you contribute to the community. Cheers @traciyork 🤗

Thanks for the support, grateful!😊

You're entirely welcome, @gabotask! 😊

Muy agradecido esto me motiva aún más a seguir 💪🏻

¡Eres bienvenido @pacachatamusic y estoy muy feliz de escuchar eso! 😊

You're very welcome @pacachatamusic and I'm so happy to hear that!