It's time for another contest!
While the 7th contest highlighting the NeedleWork Monday community is still ongoing, we will also have the 8th contest. This means we have two running contests for next week!
OCD has been at the forefront of supporting different niche communities in Hive. Under the Community Incubation Program, OCD has been helping community leaders and moderators grow their genre-specific communities through focused curation. As observed in the latest update, communities under the program have grown both in number of subscriptions and in engagements within their members. By highlighting great posts by users in a particular community, they are encouraged to level up their game or maintain the quality of their posts.
To further help communities, OCD is now conducting weekly contests! The aim is to increase subscriptions and engagements by highlighting a particular community for a week. All other communities within the incubation program will carry on with the usual curation activities. With the help of community leaders and moderators, we at OCD will incentivize more those posts within that highlighted community for a week.
Community of the Week

Shadow Hunters Community
About the Community
About: Show Me A Shadow! Show Me A Reflection!
Description: hive-179017All of your original content photos featuring Shadows or Reflections are welcome here.
If your photo is an entry for a contest, please make that clear to us in the title- CONTEST ENTRY
We are currently a part of the @OCD’s Community Incubation Program. We submit quality posts from the Shadow Hunters Community to them for further curation support from @ocdb and @blocktrades.
Rules: (1) Feel free to use editing and effects to create a special look if you want. Phone photos are great-This is not a photography contest! (2) It should go without saying that the photo must be your original work and creativity counts. NEVER use photos you find on the Internet.
Contest Rules
1. Subscribe to Shadow Hunters Community.
2. Post in Shadow Hunters Community. Be creative in your post(s).
Details: There's only one (1) theme for this contest:
(1) Show Your Day in Shadows
A minimum of three (3) unique shadow photos that would tell us about your day together with a minimum of 250 words description is required in order to qualify for this contest.
3. Reply the link of your entry(s) in this contest post for easier curation.
4. Make your title unique and descriptive of your article. This is an added rule after observing that majority of the titles are the same as the title of this contest. DO NOT make this "OCD Community Boost Contest #8: Highlighting Shadow Hunters" as your title. It's so cringing.
5. Engage within the community. This will be given consideration during the evaluation of your post(s).
6. Quality content is still given much premium and that's subject to the current set of standards of Shadow Hunters Community.
7. All posts in the community within the week that this contest is run will be curated by OCD. However, plagiarism attempts and other forms of abuse will also be reported and dealt with accordingly.
8. At the end of the week, OCD will highlight top five (5) posts based on the recommendation of the curators/community leaders. These posts are the ones that truly shine within the community.
9. While not mandatory, retweeting this contest post will be very much appreciated.
Contest Rewards
All the rewards (100%) of this post will be used in the prize pool which means the winners will receive:
1st Place: 35% of the rewards of this post
2nd Place: 25% of the rewards of this post
3rd Place: 20% of the rewards of this post
4th Place: 10% of the rewards of this post
5th Place: 10% of the rewards of this post
What are you waiting for? Join now!

OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness!
HiveSigner or on Hive Witnesses.You can vote for @ocd-witness, with
@ocdb supports community curation!
You can delegate to @ocdb for daily liquid hive returns from curation rewards - check out
Join our Discord channel for more information.

I am so excited to see the entries! Thanks so much to all of you at OCD for this great opportunity for the Shadow Hunters Community!
and thanks to you for your efforts to make this a reality
I'm having fun seeing all the marvelous posts! Everyone is doing such a great job!
Thanks for your efforts!
It continues to be an exciting week for me! Our community is growing quickly!
My article will be published tomorrow!!!
I am as excited as you are! Indeed, our community is growing!
We were at 763 subscribers when the contest started 2 days ago and now we are over 800! I will watch for your entry!
WTG!!! 🥰🌺🤙!
I can't wait to see where we are at by the end of the week and how many of those new members become active Shadow Hunters!
Wow that is amazing, over 800, fantastic. @melinda010100, thanks for letting us know about this exciting new contest. You are such a luv.
837 right now! It's been a wild week, so far! I love seeing my friends participating and getting great rewards.
Best of luck everyone! :-)Awesome contest @ocd! @melinda010100!
My entry
Wow look at all them wonderful shadow hunter entries!
I had to use the find my name function to reply to you lolThank you very much ❤ @melinda010100! :-)
There are over 100 entries! It has been a bit overwhelming to comment and check each one for plagerism and to see if they followed the rules before submitting it to OCD for curation. I hope I didn't miss any votes or tips. And now to help pick the winners!
You are amazing 💕 @melinda010100! :-)
I must say that it felt like a monumental effort, but I saw lots of fantastic shadow photos!
My link to your contest.
Thanks @ocd for support the Hive communities. 💕 https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@redheadpei/contest-entry-robin-shadow-watcher
entry.Greetings @melinda010100 it was very pleasant to make this post for your contest. Here my
My entry...
An overview of the workshops I work in and the work I do.
Twitter promotion..
Thank you very much for supporting our Shadowhunter community. It is very important to all of us.
this is my link to accompany your gentle invitation
I wish you all a happy weekend
Good afternoon dear friends @ocd https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@jlufer/documenting-shadows-on-our-journey-to-the-end-of-the-world-documentando-sombras-en-nuestro-viaje-al-fin-del-mundo-espanol-ingles
good evening my friend. that was quite a trip. i have travelled many places but never in south america. i have heard about many interesting places so maybe someday.
If you like to travel, and you have the opportunity to visit this area of the world, there is a lot of diversity, beautiful places to visit and discover, but what you are going to like the most is the food and the quality of the people.
I really appreciate your visit.
what two enjoy the weekendhow are you dear friend @eolianpariah good afternoon
I jumped right into this contest because I love contests like this!Such a great work #ocd is doing in helping other communities grow!
error, se cargo dos veces mi comentario
mi entrada al concurso https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@williamminorta/esp-eng-entrada-al-concurso-cazando-sobras-en-mi-trabajo-contest-entry-hunting-for-leftovers-at-work
Good morning folks.
This is my entry in the special OCD contest this week highlighting the shadow hunters community. Good luck to all!
Hello friends, here is my entry:
and this one of the pics of my postHi. community, this is my entry for the contest: https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@sayury/ocd-community-boost-contest-8-highlighting-shadow-hunters
My contest link:
Una mirada a mi sombra
Hola queridos amigos, aqui le dejo mi entrada a este divertido concurso cazadores de sombras.
Aqui mi link: https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@edimar09/esp-eng-mis-huellas-mi-entrada-al-concursolove-my-footprints-my-contest-entry
¡¡Good night!! https://peakd.com/hive-179017/@journeylife/reflections-shadows-and-admirationreflejos-sombras-y-admiracion
I have never capture picture with shadow before. But I gave it a try anyway. Thanks #OCD for organizing such a contest. Here is my entry: https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@apon318/a-humble-try-to-capture-nature-with-shadow
this is my entry to the OCD boost contest.
Hello, por aca estoy, https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@racarjoal/espeng-ocds-contest-volviendo-a-mis-dias-de-infancia-para-captar-sombrasgoing-back-to-my-childhood-days-to-capture-shadows
Here is my entry. Please read & enjoy my blog 👇👇👇
Greetings this is my entry to the contest
Here is my entry, thank you
Hello, this is my entry:
Hi dears, this is my entry to the contest.
Hello friends, here is my entry:
Hello dear friends, I am very happy I managed to participate in this contest, and here is my entry:
great contest am on it, this one is for me, no lets get down to work.😂
I can't wait to see your entry! Welcome to Shadow Hunters!
Yeah of cus you will see my post😁
Needlework Monday community had a lot of unique entries and I have made use of some of the tutorials from different other users who shared their works.This is gonna be a good one. Thanks, #OCD for highlighting different communities and for your awesome works put together.
Hope you join us hunting for Shadows.
This is very interesting!
I would love to see a Shadow Contest post from you!
11 Post pinned .. It would be to compete to compete and not to deliver good content, since even if you have good votes, it will not be seen by the people who enter. I think I'm going to pass this time, the idea as I understand it is to improve communities with competitive content in order to attract more people, but if when entering they only see content that is above, whether it is relevant or not, it would not be worth trying.
I'm sorry you feel that way! There are several ongoing contests within the Shadow Hunters Community and we try to keep the contest posts pinned to make them easy to find so that members can post their links. And the winners posts are pinned to highlight the success of our members each week. It's an active community!
Although I still maintain what I said earlier, the answer you gave me is very motivating. I value your kindness and respect very much and it speaks very well about you and your community, I can say with total security that they will grow very fast with people like you :)
Thank you for taking the time to respond :D
We actively rotate the pinned posts so that pertinent and timely information stays at the top. I do hope you decide to create an entry. Our community is actively engaged and I guarantee that your post will be seen!
hi randomproject123. i don't follow your reasoning about the futility of making a post here. personally i review all entries in the contests that i enter and make my own judgement of other people's post. sometimes favorably and sometimes not. regardless of whether other people view my post or not and whether they gain anything from it or not i focus on meeting my own standard of quality in each and every post. sometimes i win, sometimes i think i should have won but i always have the satisfaction of creating a post worthy of putting my name to. it is not so much a competition with others but rather a challenge to myself and that is where the motivation of creating it comes from. best wishes for the endeavors you do choose to participate in.
In that I completely agree with you, in the end a Post is not made to win or not, it is for delivering good content, content of which we are proud and if it reaches one person it is the same as it reaches a thousand, the important thing is that Whoever gets it I will leave something interesting to tell to say the least, Thank you for taking the time to respond and explain your point of view, now thanks to you I may try to participate: D
Here's my entry:
I loved your participation, I wish you many successeshello dear friend @arrliinn good morning
An excellent post with nice pictures @arrliinn!
Thank you @olgavita ! ❤️
Here is my entry,
Thanks again for the heads-up @melinda010100. Your timing couldn't have been any more perfect. Being that I will be joining Robin tomorrow in NJ for a big family get-together, I had just enough time to join in on the fun with this contest. https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@thebigsweed/spring-cleanup-a-must-for-keeping-our-pond-flourshing-and-possible-yours-as-well
Have a wonderful weekend!
Excellent post, you have done a great job
Success in the contesthow are you dear friend @thebigsweed
Another wonderful community, I've always been enticed by shadow hunters, it's a great community!
Link to my post for the contest:https://ecency.com/hive-174578/@antikus369/big-shadows-at-sunset-and
how are you dear friend @ antikus369
congratulations for what you do with your grandchildren, these little things are the really important ones, they will always remember
Success in the contest
I am grateful for such a high assessment of my work for the competition! Thanks dear friend @jlufer!
My entry into the contest
I like what you have written, a very thoughtful post.
I wish you many successes in the contesthow are you dear friend @melbourneswest good day
Thank you, I hope you really enjoyed reading it. Hopefully I do well.
Yes, enjoy reading, very well written.
The objective of these contests is the interaction between people, and as you know, the growth in our company is through relationships.
Today you have a new follower, you have done well, now you just have to win the contest.
have a great day
I love to take photos of many subjects including shadows. But to write about anything, well that is my weakness. 250 words minimum, that is a challenge by itself. Regardless I will try my best to participate in this interesting contest.
I understand! I love to take photos and put them together in sort of a photo essay, but putting the words together is much more difficult for me. By hanging around here on Hive I have gotten better at it and I bet you will, too. I'll be looking forward to see what you come up with!
You are right @melinda010100 , practice makes you better with everything, with writing too.
Please do try. It is fun and you can tell a story wrapped around your photos.
For me it is still challenging to write. And not because English is not my mother tongue. But until you try you would never know.
Thank very much for your encouraging words @nelinoeva. I'll do my best.
Excelente propuesta, pronto estaré en este concurso 🤗
¡Estoy deseando ver tu entrada!
I got several photos that I was thinking to put together and here comes the contest, where they can fit. And here is my story:
Excellent post, Neli! What could be more perfect for you than bird shadows! I love the theme of your Feathered Friends Contest this week! The WINGS photos have been stunning!
Thank you very much Melinda! ☺
Got to say that I was feeling a bit guilty for lacking shadow posts. There will be more sunny days and I hope to collect more shadow photos.
Wings bring so many wonderful entries, the job of our judge @oks2crypto will be even harder.
I'm doing tips on the OCD contest post to try to keep the entries I've visited marked. If you could do tips on their posts, that would be great.@oks2crypto is doing a fantastic job keeping winning entries sorted! The contest is a great curation effort for Feathered Friends!
I started tipping the posts and I will keep on.
I loved your post. as always you dazzle with your creativity.
Enjoy the weekendhow are you dear friend @nelinoeva
I am so glad you like my post.
Have a great weekend!This is so kind of you @jlufer ☺
it is always a pleasure to see your post.
have a nice sunday
My entry ... https://ecency.com/hive-179017/@adinapoli/per-tutto-il-giorno-shadow
que buena iniciativa aquí mi participación en el concurso
How are you dear friend @ leonett2 A post full of emotions, I really appreciate that you let us know this collection of images of shadows. Success in the contest
Hola muchas Gracias @jlufer, saludos!
such as great initiative for all shadow hunters old and new. gotta get to work on making a post.
Your posts and photos are always great! I can't wait to see what you find!
Hi everyone!
This is my entry
Éxitos en el concursoExcelente trabajo querido amigo @miguelmederico, has creado unas sombras hermosas.
Gracias, amigo. Hay muy buenas entradas, están imperdibles
This seems like a great contest! @nenio, my friend, you would be amazing at this
I share with you @ rnunez09 @nenio can dazzle us with beautiful images of shadows
Thank you.
a pleasure dear friend
@rnunez09 Thank you for let me know about this contest.
Here is my entry: https://hive.blog/hive-179017/@rnunez09/eng-esp-hunting-for-shadows-around-my-neighborhood
Mr Entry:
Hola @melinda010100 muchas gracias
Hello guys!
Here's my entry for this contest.
Thank you so much for hosting this and giving us this opportunity!
Thank you so much!
Finally! A contest I think I can join. Hahaha. I'll try my best. Good luck to all the participants. 😁
Looking forward to your entry!
Excited to join the contest! Light and Shadow are sich big parts of my life so it was really nice to be able to think of my day in terms of shadows. Here's my entry - A Typical Day in Shadows | Urbaninst's Edition | Contest Entry
Thank you! Sorry for the noob question but what's an Ecency Point Tip?
Ecency is the frontend I use to do all my Hive operations, rather like peakd and HiveBlog
There is a phone app available at Google Playstore and a web application at ecency.com
POINTS are the reward system they use and you earn them each time you post, vote, comment, etc.
You can then cash them in to receive a vote on your post from Ecency or to sponsor a post so that it gets pegged into the Ecency feed rotation. And you can use POINTS to reward users,. Winners of our Shadow Hunters contests often receive 100 POINTS, plus some Hive for winning each week. POINTS can also be used for tipping. Go to Ecency.com and look around. You will see your POINTS wallet there.
Thank you so much @melinda010100 for taking the time to explain that so well! I've been searching the internet for something that explains it well in this context but couldn't particularly find something relevant. I'll look more into it, thanks! and thanks for the points!
https://ecency.com/faq#how-to-join might have some helpful information for you.please ask anytime you have questions.
Read through all of it, logged into ecency ( and commenting from here!) Thanks for the help, @melinda010100! Things are slowly beginning to make more sense.