in OCD3 years ago

On my way to the market,to get something for my self to eat ,I stopped a Keke truck(tricycle) and enter, the Keke drive was on speed I asked him to slow down ,he ignored me and told me to calm down.

All my mind keep telling me to step down from the Keke, after some few minutes a motorcycle tried to cross but he didn't watched the road well before crossing, due to our Keke is on speed the driver couldn't control the speed to doge the motorcycle on process he jam the motorcycle and somersaulted like two times in the air before landing .

It was a very terrible experience of my life and that was the first time of me experiencing accident,on the process I thought wouldn't survive it, all thanks be to God who saved us nobody died, we are four victim in the accident two passengers plus the driver and the motorcycle body braked his hands or legs ,God really showed us his mercy that day.This is the reason why I haven't been online for the past few weeks now.

I just want the @hive family to join me and thanks the God it is not by my might nor Power or that I'm too righteous ,it is by his grace.i so happy that God loves me and remembers me.