in OCDlast year (edited)

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Energy is required to accomplish our desire in respective of our field or goals most people lose their goals due to the crumble effort or energy they utilize or apply in their fields. Good morning havians I guess you are all fine? I am here to share and highlight the significance of energy or effort in every field we engaged

Without any debate, contention, or arguments we acknowledge the importance and how crucial and significant an energy or effort is it in our daily activities. Most people fail to accomplish their missions due to the lack of this important consideration. Many organizations, companies, and associations have dissolved and dissipated due to the lack of these two important factors

Also In this article the factors that could deter, deteriorate, and diminish the growth and the budding of the organization we be treated in a chronological and decent organization

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Many factors could lead to the inability to attain and acquire our targets which could lead to the dawdle, tardiness, and sluggishness of our ambitions which could demolish dampened and daunting our goals These factors are laziness, inconsistency, doubtfulness, and lack of targets


As an adage says no food for a lazy man. It was unfortunate that many couldn't afford or actualize their dreams due to the lack or inability to utilize or apply energy or effort to chase the dreams and it has resulted in the cause of unemployment. That's why our society today is clustered with drifters and bums which have been the major challenge and have afflicted and instigated unemployment in our society


Inconsistency: This is another crucial factor that is affecting our society today. This factor is a result of laziness when a man fails to continue his tax regularly, it is a result of dereliction and derogation and this act has resulted in the dissipation, downtrend, downturn, and downswing of the organizations or goals. Inconsistency is the key and the root of the failure of any organization or goals and it has demolished the growth and development of the society


Being a doubting Thomas is a critical and unpleasant practice that has structured and deformed our society. This factor has ruined and dismantled many organizations most especially our goals. This barbaric and deadly act has dampened, diverted, and hindered many people from chasing their dreams, and as a result, it has put society into serious challenges and damage. A man who lacks anticipation, optimism, and hopefulness can easily desolated and despair about the future


This factor has contributed to the failure of an individual to accede, chase, and actualize their dreams, some people can't account for their targets and objectives after the end of their missions. This has led to the deterioration and dwindled of numerous ambitions, goals, and organizations. Every man needs a brain and brawny in there job, goals, and organization to excel in life.

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Without a face-off and a dust-up the importance and significance of energy and effort to our daily activities can not be over emphasis and It has aided and yead to the achievement of our goals and budding of the organization some crucial and significant elements we need to possess to achieve our goals are dedications, devotions, disciplines, honesty and doggedness these elements are keys to success in any activities, goals, organization we are engaged.

I believe you grab one or two things in my epigram. Don't forget it is never too late to be what you might have been. See you in my next post.