Was It Designed?

in OCD3 years ago


Ever wondered?
How the sky is so blue
The trees so green
The heavens so high and the sea so wide

Let’s not forget about the birds of the air
With their wings made for flight and their claws for survival.
The fishes of the sea, with their way of absorbing oxygen from water and how their fins help them stay afloat.

How can I forget insects, wild animals and domesticated creatures.
The way they can strive and survive on their own.
Their genetic makeup, their protective coats such as their furs, feathers and skin make me ask a lot of questions.

What about you?
Your face, body and internal organs?
How a baby is made and the process of reproduction?
What about how your brain functions and different emotions you experience?

Was is it designed?
Is it due to movements of the earth?
Is it just a coincidence?
Or someone so powerful made all the things we see and experience?
