
You're very welcome, @mrprofessor. And what do you mean about bringing more engagement - did someone say something to you about that?

No, nobody said anything. It's just that I haven't seem many comments lately (perhaps it's my content that is off-the-usual adventure stuff this past months).

Ahh, gotcha. It's a funny coincidence though, because when I recommended your post for curation, I mentioned that you didn't have much engagement lately (which is something I look at before recommending), but given what's been going on with you, I figured I'd overlook it for now. Maybe healing from your broken bone is somehow giving you psychic powers...? 😉 😂

It might be the steel rod inside my bone capturing radio frequencies! Yey, I'm an antenna haha
I'll bring engagement back as soon as I have more time to engage on other people's content; for now the swimming phisio is really taking my energy. Good knews is that my leg is healing nicely.