mrki-car cross-posted this post in OCD 3 years ago

Plivanje za časni krst - Swimming for the Holy Cross

in BANAT3 years ago (edited)

Tradicionalno plivanje za bogojavljenski krst u narodu poznato kao bogojavljenje obelezava se svake godine 19 januara.Tacnije na Krstovdan i to je dan kada je sveti Jovan krstitelj krstio Isusa Hrista u reci Jordan.
Ovaj obicaj okupi veliki broj vernika sirom zemlje.
Proslava Bogojavljnja pocinje jutarnjom liturgijom u hramovims sirom Srbije, nakon cega krece litija ulicama sve do reke ili jezera gde ce se plivaci nadmetati za casni krst.

The traditional swimming for the Epiphany Cross, popularly known as the Epiphany, is celebrated every year on January 19. More precisely, on the Day of the Cross, which is the day when St. John the Baptist baptized Jesus Christ in the Jordan River.
This custom gathered a large number of believers across the country.
The celebration of the Epiphany begins with the morning liturgy in the temples throughout Serbia, followed by a procession through the streets all the way to the river or lake where swimmers will compete for the honorary cross.


Ovim cinom vernici koji se takmice pokazuju svoj viteski podvig.Uslovi za plivace su da su postili bozicni post i da su uradili lekarski pregled.

By this act, the believers who are competing show their chivalrous feat. The conditions for swimmers are that they fasted Christmas fast and that they did a medical examination.


Pred sam pocetak plivanja potrebno je razbiti led kako bi plivaci neometano plivali,zato na ovoj slici vidimo strucno lice u gumenom ronilackom odelu.

Just before the start of swimming, it is necessary to break the ice so that swimmers can swim unhindered, so in this picture we see a professional face in a rubber diving suit.


Organizator svega ovoga je opština kao i mnogi donatori.Tako da se mozete posluziti kuvanim vinom i malo se zagrejati.

The organizer of all this is the municipality, as well as many donors. So you can use mulled wine and warm up a bit.



Okupljeni plivaci prvo idu na binu gde dobijaju aplauze i nazivaju ih vitezovima a tu im i vladika da blagoslov i odrzi mali govor svima okupljenima.

The gathered swimmers first go to the stage where they receive applause and call them knights, and there the bishop gives them a blessing and gives a small speech to all those gathered.




Nakon toga plivaci krecu u vodu gde se takmice.

After that, the swimmers head to the water where they compete.

Pobednik je onaj ko prvi dopliva do castog krsta koji je udaljen nekih 30 metara od obale.

The winner is the one who is the first to swim to the honorable cross, which is some 30 meters away from the shore.

Pozdrav od Mrkija 🇷🇸 - Greetings from Mrky 🇺🇸