Another Mans Trash Is another "Womans" Treasures

in OCD3 years ago (edited)


I have always been enthralled with thrifting. I watch endless hours of people thrifting in different countries, the idea of feeling like i am coming with them and watching the whole process of them stepping into the store to coming home and showing use, the viewers all the cool things they found.

one thing i have noticed with these people... they are all so fucking happy.

they can find a 99 cent cat toy and be so insanely excited to give it to their cat and seeing them happy is so contagious that you suddenly are so happy and then i find myself wanting to drop everything just to go search the rows at the local thrift stores.

for the past few years, i have started going lots and now it has turned into my Monday night routine when i go pick up my groceries! grabbing a coffee and diving into some antique items ive never seen before and are legit older then me!

there are 2 particular ones in my city i go to often (almost only) because they are close to me!

  1. Salvation Army:
    This one is a Mennonite run establishment, therefor has odd hours, but i find these stores to be JAM PACKED with things. The amount of hours i can spend looking at books to clothes to toys for my kids is literally insane. i almost ALWAYS leave with an abundance of items! the staff kind of just leave you the fuck alone, which i love... like hello, let me thrift in peace.
  2. Goodwill:
    this one is my favorite thrift store. It is much smaller then the other thrift stores, still independently owned, and the cheapest ever! when i am finding 3$ shirts for myself... you better believe ill be looking at every single piece of clothing! the staff are always friendly and accommodating, always clean and again, jam packed with goodies.

there is a value village as well in my area, although it is ... EXPENSIVE. for people who legit need to shop only from the thrift stores, it's slightly disgusting how expensive items are, so i normally stay away from clothes 100% of the time.

my experiences with thrifting has opened a number of doors for me...

  1. i can afford things again? with manageable prices its easier to find items for myself. especially when it comes to plus size fashion, i find the items that are already gently worn, fit my body better!

  2. the sustainability. not letting items end up in landfills and giving them another chance in life! david and i (mostly david) are very old souls.. especially david... and i find awesome books from 50-100 years ago that are so cool and exciting to see, especially when i find books that are in my hobbies, such as gardening, wine and houseplants!

  3. teaching myself that i don't need to follow the social standards of "whats cool" or "whats in fashion" because i decide, by finding items that look fun and cool ... TO ME and not by some million dollar company at the moment!

thrifting is very "in" right meow as well, lol. a lot of people are doing it, weather it be for a business or for pleasure, i feel there used to be a stigma for thrifting being disgusting and gross, while it definitely can be, but if you follow cautions it can also be amazing! its not likely these days you will find someone who is grossed out by the fact everything you own is from the thrift store HEHE

here is a link to my youtube video where i take you thrifting WITH ME and then show you a giant haul of everything i got! it was so much fun, and i can't wait to make more content like this in the future!
