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RE: Plugged into the wrong crowd

in OCD4 years ago

I do think that people do tend to flock together with like minds and perhaps on social media, this is even more pronounced when it is in the negative, as there aren't the same physical social restrictions in place that regulate behavior in the real world.

There's a Polish saying, something in the lines: If you've found yourself among the crows, like them you'll have to crow. It can be understood in few different ways, but I definitely do not agree that you have to croak in this situation. Maybe that's one of the problems that people too often do not realize that they would actually be better of not croaking like everyone around.

Depressed people consume more, whether it be food, alcohol or products. I suspect that depression and loneliness creates a type of hunger that people try to fill through consumption, to avoid the call of the void and with so much "food" on offer, there is always another filler that doesn't bring satisfaction. Consumer behavior can be driven by leveraging the disconnections we have and providing services with a fee that treat the symptoms, but will never cure the condition.

That's true, but I also think that one of the surrogate ways to deal with the depression is by falling into many of today's toxic ideologies. Whether it's left or right ideologies, what they have in common is that they usually point to a single thing/group/process which is supposed to be solely responsible for all the evil in the world. Once a depressed, susceptible person start to believe that monocausal explanation of the world, it's easy to make them also believe that getting rid of that single problem will also heal them.


A lot of people's "opinions" are a simple and relatively thoughtless reflection of the opinions they surround themselves with. Most do not have their own thoughts, they replicate those of others. Often, this is done unconsciously.

That's true, but I also think that one of the surrogate ways to deal with the depression is by falling into many of today's toxic ideologies.

Oh for sure! It is just another type of food to "nourish the soul". Social movements have replaced religions for many, but they don't even have to have any form of continuity as they bounce from one extreme to the other. It is easy to brainwash the desperate.


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