New Year, New thoughts?

in OCD5 years ago

post about new year. So I decided to share some of my weird thoughts about new year and how I am going to handle things.Honestly, I didn't think I would ever write about things like 'New year thoughts'. It's been two weeks and I wasn't going to, but I was reading through steemit and found @tarazkp 's

There's this famous meme on the internet, where the entire earth is celebrating on 31st december and far into space in a spaceship two aliens are having a conversation about that.

First one says: why are they celebrating?
Second one says: their planet made a full circle around their star.
First one says:Told you, they are not intelligent

Anyway, I am no different from other people. I don't celebrate the last or the first day but I do make plans like everybody else. Although I don't share them. So.......

I made plans last year and the entire year was really really bad for me. I am only 22.5years old and last year was the worst year of my life, till now. Who knows what I am gonna go through in the future. Even though a lots of good things happened last year but most of the time, I was paranoid and worried and kinda unhappy. All of that made me really tired and that's why I did some weird things and made some crazy choices at the beginning of this year.
I thought that I am going through shit so I should just do something that would make me happy despite the cost. And I did. I guess that did kinda made me happy and I am trying to let go of all the paranoia and anxiety.
I kind of got myself in the state of "I don't care about plans, lets just do things".

I made so many plans last year. I wanted to learn so many things and do so many things and I didn't even accomplish 10% of that. I can blame all of it on the shitty time that I went through but that wouldn't make me feel better because I could have done better and I didn't. So it's all on me.

I didn't plan on writing this post and I am almost finished with this. I decided that I am gonna do things and try new things, even if they feel uncomfortable and hard, I will give everything a genuine try. Unlike last year, I am not making huge plans, I am just taking one day at a time and not think too much. I am hoping that this will work.


The image is a 5 minute painting I made about a year ago, now using it as a thumbnail.


Good luck with the year. While life isn't often easy, what does matter is how we react to what happens, and that is something that we do have an influence over.

Thank you. Good luck to you too...........