A very peculiar worm ┃Un gusano muy peculiar
Hello friends of the hive, today I was doing advertising photography, and at the end, I took a shorter way to my house (a shortcut) which I often take when I am in a hurry or short of time, total that this path is A dirt road, well on the way to my house, I noticed that there was another small road which I had never seen, it was about 9:30 in the morning, and I took that other totally new road this time I was not in such a hurry, in The road had a large stone, it had a lot of moss and he only passed through the branches of the trees and gave right to a part of that stone, which looked really good, so I decided to take some shots of the articles that he was carrying in my bag to give them a different touch. but just when I reach for the stone to get the items out of the bag. I observe that there is something white and hairy, from there I just stared at it for about 5 seconds, I took out my camera and that's how I started to take the photos.
Hola amigos de la colmena, hoy me econtraba haciendo fotografia publicitaria, y ya al finalizar, tome un camino mas corto a mi casa (un atajo) el cual suelo tomar muy amenudo cuando me encuentro apurado o corto de tiempo, total que este camino es un camino de tierra, bueno camino a mi casa, me fije que habia otro camino pequeño el cual nunca habia visto, eran eso de las 9:30 de la mañana, y tome ese otro camino nuevo total esta vez no estaba tan apurado, en el camino habia una piedra de gran tamaño, tenia bastante musgo y el solo pasaba por entre las ramas de los arboles y daba justo a una parte de esa piedra, lo cual se veia realmente bien, entonces decidi hacer unas tomas de los articulos que llevaba en mi bolso para darles un toque diferente. pero justo cuando me aserco a la piedra para sacar los articulos del bolso. observo que se encuentra algo blanco y peludo, de alli solo me quede mirandolo como por 5 segundos, saque mi camara y asi fue como comence a sacarle las fotos.
There were moments in which if I was super scared to get too close because really the white hairs that they had scared me and the color of their legs. so it was somewhat difficult because this style of photomicrography is somewhat difficult, in this case it only had the distance that I thought it was from the lens to the worm
Habian momentos en el cual si me daba super miedo acercarme mucho por que realmente los pelitos blancos que tenian me daban mucho miedo y el color de sus patas. asi que era algo dificil porque este estilo de fotomacrografia es algo dificil, en este caso tenia solo la distancia que creia que estaba del lente al gusano
There were also moments in which the worm got up, I don't know what it felt like, and it really gave me chills like in this picture.
Tambien habian momentos en los cuales el gusano se levantaba nose conque sentido, y realmente me daba escalofrios como en esta fotografia.
But well that's how I managed to take these pictures, the truth is I quite liked the fact of taking these pictures, getting so close despite the fear so that there would be good moments captured from this little insect. Which I was investigating and I don't know what kind of caterpillar it is, I don't know if it's dangerous, but I also had my precautions.
Pero bueno asi fue como logre tomar estas fotografias, la verdad me gusto bastante el echo de hacer estas fotografias, el acercarme tanto apesar del miedo para que quedaran buenos momentos captados de este pequeño insecto. que el cual estuve investigando y no se que calse de oruga es, no se si es peligrosa, pero tambien tuve mis precausiones.
I hope you have liked this small compilation of photographs of today.
Espero les haya agradado esta pequeña compilacion de fotografias del dia de hoy.
Also look at my latest post. it's about my first illustration: https://hive.blog/hive-156509/@marcusblackrock/xxxtentacion ✔
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