Why am I still here? because....

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

This question reminded me of a conversation I had with my mom two weeks ago. We talked over the phone about my future and things that I choose to pursue after my graduation. "What are you going to be?" asked my mom.

You know, as long as I remember, I never stick to anything; not one thing. I tried drawing, martial arts, coding, cooking, swimming, you name it. I learned this and that since I was a little. I even tried to be a professional in every of my ventures, none of them ever last for more than a year. But after almost three years writing on steemit, I realized that it is the only thing that sticks.


Picture I took during my community service

How did I know Steemit? I got introduced to this platform by my ex. Prior this, I already knew bitcoin as we visited the bitcoin office in the country. But my understanding was that bitcoin/cryptocurrency was so limited. I only came in real contact via gambling sites. Then, my ex showed me steemit. He showed me what I can do with my writing instead doing it for free. as that time, I just started my journey blogging via wordpress. It took me a while to join this platform despite knowing it for a while. When I got here, at first, I was not focused on the rewards, I was simply hooked with knowing a lot of new friends. @whatamidoing @clayboyn, and @guyfawkes4-20, were few of great people I came in contact during my early journey here. There's also another one, I called her Z and we are constantly talking to each other even she's not on steemit anymore.

"job" hobby that resonates with my current degree, English literature.2017 was truly life changing experience for me. Few weeks in the platform, I found myself curated by @OCD and @blocktrades, then it got more interesting as I started my journey of being @ocd curator. I started as a language curator back in 2017 then transition as an English curator as OCD stopped their language curation. From my years of being a curator, I got the chance to read many amazing works from content creators all over the world. So far, it's the only

Steemit is more than just a social media blockchain for me. It's a platform where I grow to understand myself better and getting to know amazing people world-wide. It gets me even closer to my second love, the programming world. It led me to try making bots and learned all sorts of programming languages. Among the other things, I picked up many skills that are valuable for my future especially on managing people and projects.

I still don't know what I want to be. With the things I picked up, I can be a writer, entrepreneur, coder, consultant, customer service, CEO, chef, a corporate cog, a home maker, a tour guide, a journalist, a blockchain project manager, I don't know. But it seems, writing is the only thing that sticks.

Maybe after I graduate, I will have the so called "real job" and even if I have lesser time for steemit, I would not forget where I first meet amazing people, got my freedom and overcame bunch of my problems. Maybe my/our journey will be over with the current situation? I don't know where this platform will be but I am still here through the highs and the lows. Maybe, we'll meet in another place? maybe you'll know me not as mac, but something else. Maybe. But I am still here for now sharing my rants, ideas, self-improvement journey, travel stories, whatever I see fit to share.

Finally, this post is just a short version of so many events that happened to me during 2017-2020. And o many people I can't even name drop here like @onemedia, you've been such a great friend too! I am so lucky to ever have contact with you.

This is written for Why am I still here initiative Why Am I Still Here? Initiative. by @theycallmedan. You can find the details here

  • Mac

Thanks, @macchiata !!!

Aside from being a dear friend who actually really does listen and watch the content on my Steemit posts, and also a friend with whom I share a prolific 'pen pal' relationship here and on other platforms including Discord direct messaging, I am eternally grateful to you for your legendary role as one of the Founders of the Steem Music Association (Discord server: https://discord.gg/PzZXq8U ) and your efforts at keeping it alive during the transition to new management a year and a half ago.

Shared on twitter too

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment