
Sorry it took a while to get back to you with a decent reply, hadn't my best period health-wise. It always goes with ups and downs but the good periods seems to get higher and last longer by time. Back in a better period by now!

How are you doing these days? 🙃

That's great news! I'm so pleased to hear that. Please be very careful nowadays as you don't want any complications.

I've been back in UK since February, was supposed to do a visa run, but things were blowing up in Taiwan back then, figured it would be safer to come back home. Couldn't be more wrong 😂

Looks like will be in UK for this year, but all is good as I'm in a little town where it's very safe. Nice to be back ☺️

Take care

I'll be very careful, but not only myself also the doctors in the hospital. If an appointment can be done by a videochat they prefer those meetings nowadays!👍

Good to hear your safe in a small town in the UK. But still I think it is better to be back at home (even in the UK). Hopefully it will never happen but getting sick while being at home does sound better to me?

Can you keep yourself busy during the day being back home?