Life update + future plans

in OCD2 years ago (edited)

If you follow or read @rubencress his blogs, you might have read about me being sick. While I don't want to emphasize this part of me too much, I do want to give you a little update about what has been going on the last couple of months (almost a year) and what keeps me busy nowadays.

Being goofy at @rubencress his stepbrother's wedding

Life update

The last time I posted on Hive, I told you that I'd just moved to another city and that I'd been very busy with moving stuff and not feeling too well because of the stress it gave me. It was the first time living on my own and I was in the last year of my education (graduated in the meantime, yay). I also followed an internship back then, so as you can imagine, all those things combined were quite stressful.

As the perfectionist that I am, I always want things to be and to go perfect. My house had to be decorated 'perfect', my grades had to be 'perfect' and I had to look kind of 'perfect' too (whatever perfect may look like). As long as I was doing what I thought was expected from me, everything would be fine.

After graduating, I started working at my first full-time job. I already knew that I wasn't made for the 40-hour work week, but I really wanted to show everyone, and especially myself, that I could pull this off. At least for half a year. Long story short: I couldn't. Within 4 months I was feeling burned out and most importantly, not happy with what my personal and work life looked and felt like. It felt like a never-ending survival, over and over again, every week.

At the end of November I called in sick at my job. I already was seeing a therapist in the months before and he then diagnosed me with burnout and depression. I've struggled with episodes of feeling depressed in the past before, but this felt like so much worse. I'd worked so hard to be independent and successful, and not being able to do anything anymore felt like such a failure. Yeah, I think that's the right description: I felt like a failure (and I sometimes still do). And the worst of all, what would everyone think of me? I couldn't deal with my thoughts and emotions which made me slowly fall back into my eating disorder.

I've been struggling with an eating disorder for ten years now. The last couple of years were okay, as regards eating. I've never been completely free from disordered thoughts, but I'd found my way of dealing with them. But all those changes and new things in my life + feeling depressed and burned out made me fall back into it.

I knew I needed professional help, so at the beginning of January I signed up for treatment again. At that time there was a waiting list for almost 7 months. With @rubencress doing the absolute best he could (he knows how grateful I am:)), my physical and mental condition, unfortunately, got worse and we searched for other ways to receive (professional) help. I don't want to dive too deep into this whole process (it was awful), but after two months I got hospitalized at a Psychiatric Medical Unit of a hospital nearby. This was only temporary, and still not the mental help that I truly needed, but at least they made sure that things didn't get worse and even got a little better :)

Everyone that was hospitalized at the Psychiatric Medical Unit had to follow a daily program, which consisted of different kinds of therapy, e.g. creative therapy and music therapy. It helped me get through the most difficult days. I also have to admit that I'm a teeny-tiny proud of what I've created during the creative sessions. What do you think? ;)

Future plans

They send me home after three months and @rubencress and I are currently trying to make the best out of the situation. I'm still waiting for a spot at the treatment center for eating disorders, but they can call me any day now since I'm number one on the waiting list.

While still dealing with burnout and depression, I can't keep my focus on anything. There lays an unfinished Jigsaw Puzzle under the cupboard for two months now and I can't seem to finish my knitting project, which I also started two months ago. Ugh, so frustrating... I do like to have something on my hands though, for when I'm done laying in bed watching Netflix and Youtube. So I thought it would be fun trying to write about my day-to-day life right now, in the form of weekly updates. I can't promise you that I'll pull it off like @rubencress does with his monthly updates, but at least I can try and figure out if it gives me some kind of purpose right now.

Thank you for reading about why I'd been absent for the last two years. I hope I didn't scare anyone off. Also, please let me know if you would be interested to read about my little weekly adventures :)

Lots of love,

P.s. If you ever struggle with your mental health, please talk about it with someone (even if it's just a friend or neighbor). It can give so much light to the darkness. Just know that you don't have to deal with that stuff on your own!


i just cam across this " old " post but still , get well and a strong partner besides you is the best support you can have. I'm still recovering from what was diagnosed as a Burn-out in 2008 the depressions for me are only strong during the darker months, and then there is the anxiety among people since a year i'm able to go outside again on my own take the car and drive where i want to go and do shopping on my own.
What i have learned is that people easaly understand when you break a leg that you are not able to walk , people can't see the burn-out / adn depression so they tend to think you are making things up [ doctors included ].
Anyway i wish you and Ruben all the best for the time ahead of you .

Proud of ya! untitled.gif

It's so hard to live up to other people's expectations and also our own. It's so important you take the time to really discover what you want to do. 9-5 type jobs were never for me either. Now is a good time to really discover what inspires you and ultimately drives you.
You deserve to feel happy and content in whatever line of work you take. Finding that out, can take a while and you also really deserve to take that time for yourself.
It's a huge part of self care, feeling worthy and loving yourself, realising that you are enough.
I am happy that you have @rubencress to support you. He is a good one. I wish you all the best on this journey and please be gentle with yourself.
Thank you as well for sharing your story, so that others can be inspired to share theirs xxxxx

Thank you for your kind words:) I still have to remind myself of the fact that I am allowed to take my time to find my place in this world. It seems like everyone and everything is in such a rush, which can sometimes make me feel like I have to live up to that. But I just can't, and I want to learn and feel that that's okay too. You are 100% right, @rubencress is everything I could ever hope for. I don't know how I would've managed this without him...

Hey! I feel pretty identified with you, since I have the same feeling towards that kind of job. I had to quit because I spent 4 years in a place with that 40 hours a week dynamism, and the 2 last years were horrible.

I also use to be in a kind of roller coaster with my feelings and my habits. I found a nice shelter in Yoga, which thought me a lot about myself. I still feel lost sometimes, sad or angry, but I can find my way back home (myself) pretty often.

I wish the best in this process!!

You are very brave, because it’s difficult to find your own way, and that’s what you are doing. Listen to your heart, no matter what people say. You are following your own path in your life journey!

Have a nice day!


Hey @belug:) Thank you for sharing your story. It's comforting to hear that you found your way of dealing with your thoughts and emotions. That must have been a journey for you.

Eventually I'll find my place in this world as well, even though it feels like a bumpy ride sometimes.

It's good of you to tell your story. So many of us soldier on bravely until we collapse, and I know from experience what burn out and trying to live up to some standard you feel is important feels like. It's a long road to recovery and you won't ever be the same, but that's a good thing.

Might be off topic but just watched How to Change Your Mind on Netflix, particular the second one on psilocin. Very interesting in terms of how mushrooms can restructure or dissolve our version of our self - for you, the idea of perfection. You might be interested anyway.

Extending warmth to you - I empathise with your journey.

Doing what you think is expected of you is exhausting (which got pretty clear), but fighting your own thoughts and believes even more, even though you know it's for the better.

Funny that you bring up psilocin. I haven't seen the documentary, but my GP told me about studies around it and that the results are pretty promising. Not sure if I'm brave enough to use it, but I believe they can play a important part in neural rewiring.

Thank you for your support, I really appreciate it:)

I know that movings are stressful. I have to move as well at the end of the month and I can already feel the stress level increasing :(

I'm so sorry to hear that you feel stressed out already. Hopefully the moving will go smoothly for you.

Also, please let me know if you would be interested to read about my little weekly adventures :)

No. ;-)
But why would you care what some random reader would like to read on YOUR blog?

Welcome back and good luck. For me even monthly updates seems like an impossible task ;-)

Write about your #knitting project. Maybe we could have Raverly-like dApp on Hive some day :-)

I had to re-read your comment until I figured out your point, lol (slow brain). But you're right, it's my blog and it doesn't really matter what anyone thinks. I still need to work on the people pleasing part of me;)

Keeping you updated about the knitting project is a nice idea actually! I will put it in my jar of endless ideas that already have🙈

Thank you for your input, I appreciate it!

Pleasing your readers is a tricky part, it's easy to end up writing what they want to read instead of writing what you want to write. And no worries, there's a non zero chance that there will be readers who like it anyway.
On Hive there are flat-earthers who have their audience so... it can't be worse than that, right? ;-)

Haha, that made me giggle. I can't argue with that😜

So glad you feel better and writing. Blogging feels like therapeutically to me, maybe it helps you too.

Hey @elteamgordo, thank you for your kind words. I totally get what you mean with writing being therapeutical. Sometimes I feel too numb to actually start doing anything (like writing, cooking, taking a walk etc.), but once you start and get into the flow, it can feel really nice and soothing.

Ik vind het verrekte knap hoe goed verwoord je dit hebt op weten te schrijven. Buiten dat het je gevoel best wel.goed weergeeft, is er veel moed voor nodig om dat de durven en kunnen. Dus petje af!

Bizar is het hoe lang de lijsten zijn voordat je pas ergens terecht kan, voor physieke problemen zijn de lijsten al niet lauw, maar voor psycho sociale problemen is het echt debiel gewoon. Hou vol en nummer 1 op de lijst is niet ver weg meer!!!

Knuffels en sterkte uit Brabant!

Hey Karin:) Wat lief, dankjewel! Ik heb wel even getwijfeld om dit op het internet te posten, maar aan de andere kant denk ik dat door het niet praten erover ik het zogenaamde 'perfecte' plaatje van mijzelf in stand probeer te houden. En daarnaast hoop ik dat mensen zich hierdoor misschien iets minder alleen voelen als ze ook iets soortgelijks doormaken.

Gisteren heb ik te horen gekregen dat ik over anderhalve week ga starten met een behandeling, dus inderdaad nog heel eventjes zelf volhouden!

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Sorry to hear.

Las diferentes situaciones de la vida nos hace llegar al límite yo estoy en un trabajo que llevo quince años lo acepte para poder
Estar con mis hijos nunca me valoraron hoy día me siento frustrada y nunca lo he hablado con nadie solo deseo que te mejores bendiciones 💞

Good work keep it up.