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RE: Decent dude gets apprehended...By a decent dude

in OCD5 years ago

Yeah, I've been black-out drunk as a legal-aged but things have changed a lot. I didn't drink for a while when I was with child and breastfeeding and now that the kid's in kindergarten I drink alcohol once in a blue moon, very rarely. And in a way I've come to hate alcohol, too... because I'm currently still living with someone who doesn't know how to stop.


Ah ok...Well, I'm not much of a drinker to be honest. Sure, I have one or two here and there, but never get drunk. I've been drunk three times in my life, the last when I was 30 (20 years ago) and don't really think I'm missing out on much. I never really touched alcohol at all until I was 22. Just wasn't interested.

Some think all of the above to be really weird, but I don't care. I'm not one to bow to peer-pressure preferring to be my own man. It's not like I don't get the chance to drink, I just don't feel inclined to do so mostly. It's situational of course.

I find it admirable. More and more people should feel about alcohol the same way.
In great quantities it's bad for the health and breaks relationships. One or two pocals of wine on some social occasion is fine but drinking every day.. ugh.

Anyway, I'm glad the copper was understanding about the car and all. Forgetting stuff is only human. :)

Thank you, I believe my limited drinking of alcohol to be of benefit to me; It makes those occasions i drink a little more special.

Oh year, that bloody cop threw me a bone! Losing my licence for something dumb like that (or at all)...Wouldn't be cool. Fortune smiled upon me last night.