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lets talk about What is Cornerstone content?
Cornerstone content pieces are number of blog pages on your website you are count them to excellent. They reflect our aim and are extremely well written. These are the articles we are thinking to rank high in the search engines. Cornerstone articles are usually well speaker; these articles combination of different blog articles.
In this article we will explain all about cornerstone content. We will tell you what cornerstone content is, why it is important for SEO points of view, how to write this type of article and how you should link from your blog pages to your cornerstone article.
So it is very important article for all the blog writer to know the techniques to write cornerstone article.
Which articles are your cornerstones?
It is very important to select your cornerstones carefully in website or blog post. You think of four or five pages you would like visitor to read if they first visit your website blog or articles. These articles you want to show off first, should be the cornerstones of your blog posts. Which articles are most important to you? Which articles are the most complete and authoritative looking to you? We must write cornerstone articles about the keywords we definitely want to rank for in search engines.
If you are using Yoast SEO than it ask you to indicate whether or not an article is a cornerstone article at the below of your editor as can be seen in the image below. By marking articles as cornerstone, Yoast SEO can help us build a great internal linking structure and guide us in making your article at great hight.
Marking a cornerstone article, will enable you to make a list of these articles in our blog overview, so we can very effectively work on improving them . The link suggestion tool in Yoast SEO will give priority to the articles that those you mark as cornerstone content. This way, we will never forget to link to our best article on a certain topic, if we write about something on related topic.
If your website is big one, you will have more cornerstones than if your website is small. You will naturally write about more than one topic, so never forget to select a cornerstone article in each and every category.
#1 Why are cornerstone content articles so important for SEO point of view ?
Cornerstone content plays very excellent role in any SEO strategy. It can be rather very hard to rank for keywords that are very popular in search engine . A cornerstone approach could help you tackle those competitive keywords. If we write numbers of articles about similar blog posts, we should tell search engine which one is the most important. Otherwise, we will be competing with your content for a place in the search results. If we provide the proper internal linking structure between our blog posts, we can tell Google which article is the most important for me.
#2 Linking structure for cornerstones content articles.
Cornerstone articles should appear very high in your website index. Ideally, any visitor should be able to click from your homepage to your cornerstone articles when he just lend on the page. We should interlink all our other posts about similar topics to that particular article. It is great technique which work very well.
We think , you will write thousands of new blog pages focusing on new ideas of the topic of your cornerstone article. From every those blog pages, you will need to interlink to your cornerstone article. Such internal linking will surely increase the chance of your cornerstone content article ranking much higher in Google search engine result when search for very competitive keywords.
For example, we write a lot of different posts about SEO blogging. All these pages focusing on a different aspect of SEO blogging . Out of them one of articles is cornerstone article, in this case, Ultimate guide For Blogging. We should try to link from all of my posts about SEO blogging to that one important cornerstone article.
#3 Optimizing your cornerstones using Yoast SEO plugin for WordPress.
Yoast SEO provided really nice tools that guide us optimize our cornerstone article. Yoast offer a text link counter, a specific cornerstone article analysis and in Premium version even internal linking suggestions given by yoast, in which cornerstone articles prevail over other articles.
#3.1 Text link counter in Yoast
With Yoast SEO we can filter our cornerstone articles in the post overview and we can see inward links and outward links of a post . This text link counter is very useful, as you can see at a glance if your cornerstone content gets enough links from other, related posts or not.
#3.2 Cornerstone Content Analysis
If you really aims to make cornerstone articles great, you need a specific content analysis. If we have marked a article as cornerstone aticle the analysis will be stricter on SEO and readability than its usual analysis.
you want this article to be large in size, have good content, keep the visitors attention and rank high. This article will let you know how to optimize you cornerstone content.
#3.3 Internal linking suggestions for Improving the Cornerstone Content .
In Yoast SEO for WordPress offer an internal linking suggestion. They analyze the text we are writing and use the particular words in that text to determine which posts are of a similar topic and can be intern linked. They suggest that these are the articles you should be linking to. Cornerstone posts are treated differently in by the Yoast suggestion of internal linking.
These are very important and will receive a greater value. To give such articles outmost visibility , Yoast place the cornerstone posts top of the list of the internal linking suggestions. This will enable you to make it very easy for you to link to your critical articles while writing new post.
You should keep on writing nearby the corner stone topics and should not bother about the indexing and tanking.
Just think of Wikipedia pages, when you visit them even page look like cornerstone.
#4 Type of the content of cornerstone content pages
Cornerstone pages should always be content posts. It could be a website page or guest post , but we could make a page out of it. The content needs to be updated very frequently. Cornerstone articles should be speaker of every question, so these should definitely be informative posts having great content. In your cornerstone post, you should aim to rank for the most competing search terms.
Cornerstone post should long . Visitor should find every thing that comes in his mind. Keep going update tour article when you come across your topics on forum. Quora is good for that you can collect a hand some questions from there about your topic
Lengthy articles are hard to read, especially from a screen. We need to ensure to use sufficient headings. Using index at the beginning of the cornerstone articles is a excellent idea.
#5 Six Steps for a Pragmatic Cornerstone content Approach
Ideally, we should do proper keyword research. After that, we can produce really excellent , long, informative and beautifully cornerstone content . But what if we do not have that much time? And what if we have already written hundreds of post? Follow these steps to draft killer cornerstone articles.
Step 1: Think about your Best keywords for Cornerstone Content Article
We have to find the important keywords we want to rank for. Our cornerstone articles should be optimized for most competitive keywords. Ensure the keywords research on good tools like SEMrush, which will give you most insight of everything. We are using it for three years.
Step 2: Choose the best post for your cornerstone content article.
Find out the posts that are optimized for that keywords surrounding the most important search terms or phrases. Which post do you think is the excellent? That will be your cornerstone articles.
Step 3: Rewrite the cornerstone content post
You need to Rewrite your cornerstone post make it excellent post. Expand it and make sure it is completely up to date. You should rewrite and expand that article regularly as and when you find something related to it.
Step 4: Optimize your other posts or articles on long tail search terms for support of cornerstone content post.
The other blog posts on similar topics as your cornerstone post should be optimized on long tail search terms. In more or less every efforts to be done to make them extremely good.
Step 5: Linking from those tails to your head give rise cornerstone content a support.
Now we need to tell search engine that our new cornerstone article is the most excellent one on our site. Do ensure to link from all the long tail articles to your cornerstone post.
Step 6: Navigation Tabs on Home Page to boost cornerstone content.
You should place Navigation tab on home page or menu contains your cornerstone posts is very good techniques. Having a excellent site structure defines both search engines and visitors can effortlessly navigate our site to find what they want.
Conclusion for cornerstone content writing
Main Goal of the Cornerstone content is usefulness and relevancy to website traffic.
Second Make that content so compelling and comprehensive that visitors are willing and excited to link it.
So if You work on above two goal than in a proper manner that Google loves it and our problems automatically.