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RE: Much Drama, So Wow

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

I think it is very accurate what you say about the important role that attention plays in the economy, that is very true, but I think there are also other variables that we could take into account, and that is that although many people seek attention, there are people who do not need it, or somehow avoid it, as introverted people, for example, but the fact that someone does not seek or need attention, does not mean that what they have to provide is not valuable. ... and that kind of individuals have to be taken into account as well, not everybody wants to comment and interact, but that does not mean that they do not have something good to contribute... I think that in the world there is a place for everyone, some of us find it easier to work with ourselves, with objects or things, than with other people, and to seek attention or to give attention to others we are not good at it.


as introverted people, for example,

I think they attention-seek too, just in different ways. Having a personality that isn't actively socializing, doesn't mean they don't want the attention. Introverts still want to feel attractive - want others to think them attractive, don't they ?

I think introverts don't necessarily want to feel attractive, they probably feel better about being attractive to others, but it's not something they intentionally seek, In my case, for example, I'm an extrovert and also an assertive type of person, but i'm very low in aggreableness and compasion, and that makes me less extroverted than other extroverts who have high levels of such traits, and one thing I've noticed, is that even though it feels good to have other people's attention, it's not something I look for specifically, for me, it feels like an addition when I do things right, and when I don't have attention, I don't care. And I think that for certain types of individuals with more or less introverted personalities the same thing happens.