Day of doing some weeding in the garden at my village! #Hotsummer challenge!

in OCD4 years ago

The hot Summer days challenge!

How to participate in the challenge?

Stay hydrated! Make a post using #hotsummer in your post with a story about how you are spending the hot summer days, leave a comment down below this post with a link to your post and I'll be upvoting all stories till September 6. Best posts will get also upvote via the @tipu account as well.

Another day spend in my village.
Usually, I start the day by having my coffee and taking a walk with ”Guru” some days we go to the river for morning swimming.
She loves the water more and more day by day ;)
I'm happy about that actually because when I takin care of a dog and she doesn't have a place to swim it may grow and still, be scared from water.
I've seen it from a personal perspective.


Then I came back to the village yard to make some weeding of the grass 🌱
Because it's hard for my grandmother to do everything so I'm trying to help when I can get to the village.
Actually, during the summer I didn't help much because I didn't have how to go to the village because of my Dog 🐕
But not I just move to live there for a while to find more peace for myself.

Ho here is how the garden used to look before I started doing the gardening.


It takes a while to do all of this weeds I did it for an hour + in the morning and one more hour before sunset.
I'm avoiding to work when the sun is high in the sky it's like 40 degrees around noon.


At my village grandma is taking care of her garden by her self for many years I can say that's the main thing that keeps her in a healthy condition and still strong at her 76 years of age.



I'm actually considering to spend next summer here at our village house and doing the gardening work every day little by little.
Here is quiet and I love it way more than the town area.
When in the city I still spend my time in the forest side of it but again here is better ;)


Still a lot to go as I said...
Doing it soon ;)
I just started it today but gonna finish it maybe tomorrow day ;)



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Complete Yoga series for beginners down below!





Все повече задобряваш с постовете, брат!

Да нямах интернет на село бърз за видеа и правя постове точно ме вързаха ;)

Здрасти! Кое село е това? Ние си търсим от 2-3 месеца къща в Търновско, Габровско, Ловеч... Севлиеско вече май го изключих като разбрах, че цяло лято са на воден режим някои селца. Между другото с покриване със слама например спестяваш плевене. Сега чета за перма-културата и ми е мн интересно. Как е нета там? Готино че имате езерце. :) Хубава градинка. Браво.

Цяла река имам не е езеро ;)@bionelika

Село Ресен след Самоводене на 15 км сме от Търново.
Хубаво е спокойно е но това лято и тук имаше режим на водата мисля че за първи път.

Аха, видях го, много хубаво, плодородна земя с река. Не е далече от Търново... В Балкана е по-бедна почвата по принцип, но нас май на там ни влече повече....

И аз бих се радвал на балкан със сигурност:)

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