How to Brand your own Success--- Series 1

in OCD4 years ago

Hello everyone welcome to my blog where you get improved as you read along, i still remain your lovely host @lordwealth, giving you the juice with words.

Lets talk about something we all dream and yearn for success

Success stages. Source : pixabay

So its been a while i wrote something qualitative for you all and that is just simply due to the fact that i have been extremely busy trying to fix an issue with the bank, my account was frozen as i had an amount well above the limit credited into it by my client. Like i said in my introductory post i buy and sell BTC so the amount was from a client i helped as an escrow to sell his BTC, that was just to clear the air.
Here are some shots i took upon visiting the bank

Access bank, Udo Udoma, Uyo, Aks, Nigeria. Photo by my Infinix hot 6 pro rear camera

Access bank, Udo Udoma, Uyo, Aks, Nigeria. Photo by my Infinix hot 6 pro rear camera

Amazing shots right, so i have gotten my account resolved and my balance and transaction limit upgraded, use today to rest and am back to making the world a better place with words.



Such a magical word, it conjures up several meanings in the mind of many, it is most sought after thing in the universe yet it possesses no accurate definition to be yet made standard and accepted by all. It bares the individuality of each person that desires after it, to one person success is the million dollar in his account, to another it is the diamond in her safe deposit, to another is getting the girl of guy he/she so desires, to yet another is getting that degree or position in government or job.
I can spend the whole day trying to enumerate the different definition of success and yet might not exhaust the list as success is at best an unquantifiable noun and yet a verb.
Today and with a tiny bit of history success has often than not been equated to material possesion, but is there more to this magical word? who then can demystify the mysteries of success.

I am no expert in success, i have had my own fair share of the cake of failure and success, but a sage once said " that if you treat both failure and success as the impostor they both are, then you will lead a fulfilled life"

Howard Whitman from his book, Success Is Within You made some glaring exposé on the magical word success.
So if you have read that book and find somewhat familiar phrases and sentences be well informed that the book shaped my line of thought on this matter.

Lets play some mind game here like we did the last time.... Should we??

  • For a moment imagine what you ideal idea of success looks like.

  • Define your own success and live in it, walk in it and breathe the air of it.

Having done that, let me say but a few words.
In trying to define or place into perspective what success truly is, one must understand the yardstick by which we should measure success.
It is of that note that we have this two yardsticks....

  1. Do others think you a success?
  2. Do you think of yourself a success?

These above criterion are intricately interwoven but yet one should seek after the latter than the former, history is replete with men and women of which the world labelled and celebrated as success but yet as they approached the terminus of thier life or career loath their existence as they found out that they failed themselves, they discovered they were not a success inwardly, they had lived their life living for others and failed to live their own lives.
The afore mentioned duo yardstick are related to the icing on the cake. If you truly want to enjoy your cake it is nice to have both, but if you are to have only one, it is expedient that you have your cake. For the icing is worthless alone without the cake, so also is it worthless to have the world label and think of you a success, if you do not think yourself one.


It is therefore sine qua non that we brand and fashion our idea of success rightly. That we aim after the cake and icing and yet when we are faced with a choice between the cake and icing we will be poised to go for the cake.
The outside world has drawn out specifications of success for us, but one must stick to his design of success if its to be meaningful to him.
To often many have conform to this outside specification and success patterns, because many lack the discipline, bravery, will power to discipline themselves and probe, introspect and retrospect on the very depth of themselves to find out thier own definition of success and live itto its fully extent.

Wether you be a minimalist or maximalist True success must come from the fulfillment of the wellspring of your being.

Happiness is no vague dream, and it posseses key ingredients of which once you are in possesion of can replicate it, of which includes:

  • Simple taste
  • A certain degree of courage
  • Self denial to a point
  • Love of work
  • Clear conscience.

With this you can bake your cake, with this you can turn that great idea of success into a meaningful reality.

Until next time, i will continue from this


Thank you for reading, hope you got improved, stay tuned to my blog for more educational contents, use the comment section to tell me what you think of my write up and also for possible articles you will like to get from me. i love you


Twitter --- @matthewanietie
Facebook --- Anietie M Matthew



I gave it a reblog, i await the next series