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Maliya Michael is my real fb account ..that Melinda account was hacked.
Have you checked the account well (the Melinda account )..
Someone is using it for hookups whatever .
Didn't want to reply this because I never wanted to connect my fb account with this(because of people getting access to it), my inbox is a mess, so my real fb name is Maliya Michael.
Please help me delete my comment too if you do your findings because I don't want people from here chatting me up there.
I think that's my last reply for now,not doing anything else to prove you right,we all have reasons for our actions...thank you.
Thank you for letting us know.
In this case, to confirm your authorship of the content, could you please mention the word "Hive" in your Instagram profile:
You can remove this mention, once we confirm the authorship.
Alternatively, you can respond to the email that we sent to you (the one provided on Instagram).
Thank you
Why did you bring my Instagram page here 😒.
I only gave you my fb name ..
I can't...maybe am not needed on hive .thank you
I understand that you don't want to be associated with the Hive ecosystem.
If you change your mind, please reply to the email that we sent to you for the identity confirmation.
Thank you.