Please don't tag us.
If there is any valid abuse within our scope of work, please report in our form:
Please don't tag us.
If there is any valid abuse within our scope of work, please report in our form:
By the way. When you report, please your username in the "reported by username" field, not the account that you report :-)
Hello 👋 @hivewatcher
Ok , Recently I reported the user ,But mistakly ,I submitted wrong post link
Sir , Could I report again ,Please 🥺 tell me .
Sorry 😐 For that...
& Could you please 🥺 give me more tools to check the post is orginal & fake . I 🤔 think it is very helpful for me
We use search engines to look up for plagiarism and we look for small details in every post to search for clues from where the content may be stolen from. We also use Google Translator to look up the version of the post in other languages.