How are you during this crisis?

in OCD5 years ago

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Painting that I have been working on lately.

I've been having low energy these past few days. Not sure if hormonal changes because my period is coming soon, or because of my environment, or both. I've been having fatigue and just been sleepy all day. So, I haven't done any new work last week.

So why

Being stuck at home is one of the reasons for it. There are a bunch of stressors at home and as a human being (even though I rarely go out), I need to go out from time to time. Not to really socialize, but just to go somewhere else, just not here.

My BFF at risk

Another thing is this virus. We are dealing with an enemy we can't even see. It's a hard battle out there. For someone who's just at home, we aren't really worried about our situation as we got less risk of having covid-19. But someone close to me is at great risk of contracting the virus as she works as a pharmacist at our regional hospital that treats the infected patients. I wouldn't get worried that much if she didn't have any medical issues, but she got asthma and I have seen her getting those attacks before. She's being extra cautious but we never know as we can't see nor feel the highly contagious piece of shit.


Adding fuel to the fire, the government is doing great with dealing with this. Even in times like these, they managed to be political still. Look at that consistency! Our public officials are being so entitled and bla bla bla. Of course, there are those hard-headed citizens too! I understand those daily wage earners who really have nothing and who really had to go out and find income to feed their family. But the hard-headed ones, I'm talking about those who go out for no fucking reason. Because they like it?? Because they just want to roam around and see friends, have some fun on empty streets, literally you cannot justify what they are doing outside. What they are doing is making this thing even harder for all of us.

Because all of these are happening, here goes the blame-game. Netizens have been expressing their criticisms against the government and everything. That's good and okay, we all have the right to express our opinions and some things really deserve to be voiced out. What's bad is that people have been throwing ad hominems everywhere! If you don't like the idea, attack the idea, not the person. But no, you attack the person and resort to body shaming, smart shaming, include the mom with cancer, include all the families of those who criticized. Because that's who we are, and #proudtobefilipino.

I can't help but envy the other countries and how they deal with this honestly. Guess we'll just die. Survival of the fittest. XD

Weird feelings

Have you felt something strange lately? Or maybe it's just because I have been absorbing those negative energies around me. It's just... the world is just depressing. I mean, obviously duh. But I believe something has changed a lot. And there's just bad vibes everywhere. Even the moon looks depressed.

Steemy Hive

Of course, this won't be excluded. What's going on in Steem is really sad. It's just... I can't even find the words to describe this. Unbelievable. Hope those affected with the freezing of accounts could get back the access soon. I'm so sorry to know you are going through this. This is another battle within a battle. Hope you guys are okay and fight it well. We will be with you through this.

Humans vs. humans

All of us are probably thinking it's us vs. the virus. As I see it, it's humans vs. humans all along, and it has always been that way. Because of this pandemic, the true colors of some have shown. I mean yeah humans have survival instincts and our bodies will unconsciously do everything to survive. I see it on some, but I see greed on most people.

It's like this whole thing is causing us to divide even more. World War III didn't happen but boom. Humans found a way to fight lel. I guess that's the price of being on top of the food chain.

It will be better, not sure if soon

Life happens. If we die, we die. If we survive, another fun times ahead. This will be a long battle. Whatever you're dealing with, there's gonna be a better situation ahead. All we can do is prepare ourselves and make ourselves strong. Humans are shit and as much as I believe that the world will be better without us, I am a human and I have empathy, so I hope you fight it well. If not, I hope you enjoyed your life while it lasted.

Anyway, our blogs exist for a reason. Write however you're feeling. It will keep you sane.



I’m doing lots of painting, lots of drawings and blogging about them right here on

That's great! I've been seeing your paintings and they are really good. Keep it up! :D

Hey just keep creating and being awesome, not much more you can do. I hope your friend stays healthy. I am doing great, we just bought a house IRL and I am neck deep in some remodeling projects. My kiddos are hilarious per usual, and I get lots of love and snuggles. Much love

Thanks Carl! Wooooowww! That's pretty amazing! I'm happy for you! :D

I'm keeping busy. Lots of things I want to get done :)

Good to hear! You finished one thing yet?

Yep. I started my garden a little while back. Working on another level in my game as well.

Woah I really want to have my own garden in the future lol. What are you planting?

I’m just a boy standing in front of the door waiting to go outside! I look at the door the way Julia Roberts looked at Hugh Grant in Notting hill

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Weird feelings

I've been dealing with this since before the coronavirus arrived in Chile, I had a couple of dark months, a wrist injury prevented me from continuing with my training program, something I was so committed to that from one moment to the next I felt that everything was fading away, so that it was not enough, other bad things happened too, and it seems that when life confronts you with complicated situations it delivers them all in a package hahaha.

I recovered from my injury a little before the coronavirus arrived in Chile. When it arrived, I spent a couple of weeks working, since I work in a grocery store, we could not declare quarantine just like that.

Once we could, we were quarantined for seven days. During those 7 days I was almost totally locked up in my room, I only went out to take sunlight in the yard, I didn't even know what time it was or what day it was, I just knew that I went to bed almost at dawn and woke up after noon.

I needed those 7 days to rest, from many things, but they also served me to remember the really important things, which usually go unnoticed, and today, suddenly I am very happy for the simple fact of having health, food, water and shelter.

I hope your friend who works in a contagious area and is doing such an important job is doing well, and so are you.

when life confronts you with complicated situations it delivers them all in a package

this is so true lol and omg sorry to hear about your wrist! :o have you fully recovered from it now? Yeah I agree. We notice those little things... Hope you can continue with your training soon

Awesome painting, for me, nothing changed, the same 10 hours of office work from home. I thought of starting indoor photography, but could not get the time.

Thank you! 10 hours? that's a lot! I hope you can find time to develop a new skill. Indoor photography sounds like a good idea.

Yeah, it's been the same because I used to spend 2 hours in the journey.