Introduction to hive/ Introduccion a Hive (ENG-ESP)

in OCD3 years ago (edited)

Can't stop do it - TERKADANG.jpg

Hello, my name is Herkin Exio, I am very happy to be part of this blog, I came to Hive thanks to @caribayarte and @mundomanaure who told me a little about this blog that has many communities and I think it's perfect for what I come to spread. I confess that this is the first time I create a blog or a digital newspaper as I like to call it. Why am I doing this blog?

Hola, ¿Cómo están compañeros y compañeras de esta comunidad?, me llamo Herkin Exio me siento muy contento de verdad por entrar a este blog, llego a Hive gracias a @caribayarte y @mundomanaure que me comentaron un poco sobre este blog que tiene muchas comunidades y me parece perfecto para lo que les vengo a difundir. Les confieso que es primera vez que creo un blog o un periódico digital como me gusta llamarlo. ¿Para qué hago este blog?

Since I was a kid I always liked to draw. I began to realize that I had the talent and I applied myself seriously with dragon Ball Z, already in 5th grade of elementary school my classmates paid me to make drawings for them.

Desde chamo siempre me gusto dibujar. Comencé a darme cuenta que tenía el talento y me apliqué en serio con dragón Ball Z, ya en 5 grado de primaria me pagaban los compañeros de clases para hacerles los dibujos.

As it is something empirical I had to polish it myself, that's why what I know about drawing and design I value a lot, whether it's a lot or a little. I am passionate about images, graphic design, architecture, comics; I have a little bit of everything. Here I show you some of my inventions.

Como es algo empírico tenía que pulirlo yo mismo, por eso lo que se del dibujo y diseño lo valoro mucho sea mucho o sea poco. Me apasiona la imagen, el diseño, gráfico, la arquitectura, el cómic; tengo un poco de todo.Aquí les muestro algo de mis inventos.

Then over time, without realizing it, extreme sports and drawing came together. I became a street skateboarder and left my mark, my logo (tag), that's how you call your personal signature in the urban world on the walls and wherever.

Luego con el tiempo se juntaron sin darme cuenta el deporte extremo con el dibujo. Me convertí en un patinetero callejero y dejaba mi marca, mi logo (tag) así se le llama a la firma personal en el mundo urbano en las paredes y donde sea.

As time went by I got together with some childhood friends and we registered a cultural foundation called (casa nativa). the first project was a cultural center made of recyclable materials by ourselves that would have a bakery, screen printing workshop, recording studio, classrooms, carpentry, blacksmith shop, indoor cultivation, after 2 years of construction the foundation is now 10 years old.

Al pasar el tiempo me junte con unos compañeros de la infancia y registramos una fundación cultural llamada (casa nativa). el primer proyecto fue un centro cultural hecho de materiales reciclables por nosotros mismos que contaría con panadería, taller de serigrafia, estudio de grabación, salones de clases, carpintería, herrería, cultivo bajo techo, luego de 2 años de construcción ya la fundación tiene 10 años.

Some of the work we do is to travel to the states and promote art and culture as a means to solve our problems as a community. as a means to solve our problems as a community. I like the popular street art because they are original. This is a little bit about my trajectory in the urban art world. are of my authorship and the translation was done by

Algunos de los trabajos que hacemos es viajar a los estados y promocionar el arte y la cultura como medio para solucionar nuestros problemas como comunidad. Me gusta el arte de la calle el popular porque son originales. Esto es un poco sobre mi trayectoria en el mundo artístico urbano, las imágenes son de mi autoría y la traducción la realice por


Hello, @herkin1! This is @anggreklestari from the @OCD team. We saw that you already posted your first post here in Hive! Congratulations and welcome!

Well, you can explore the communities that are suitable for your content. You can read some of the communities in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Have a great day!

thank you very much for the welcome

Welcome to peakd and Hive! Did you know that there are many different websites powered by Hive? If you enjoy travel blogging check out :) See you around @herkin1!

Hello, thank you very much for the invitation. Regards @for91days