hello hive
Covid-19, the global pandemic struck the globe fatally. The effect put human lives in jeopardy. The pandemic caused many lives and affected many families all over the world. People lost lives and we are still suffering. The Government initiated a lockdown around various countries in order to achieve efficient social distancing which will reduce the pace of the deadly virus. The strict order from the authorities had forced us to stay at home. Because this is the only way to stop it. While analyzing this situation in relation to family, we can deduce certain aspects and changes in the pattern of the typical modern family. A modern family is a group of people living under one roof who drive to work together. People who live together with a committed bond, who have formed an economic base while raising children together. But this scenario is changing at a rapid pace. Family members are no longer connected as they were. The bond is weakening among the family members. Younger members of the family are slowly drifting apart from their parents. But the global pandemic made them stay together. Lockdown caused by the pandemic forced everyone to stay under one roof and share the bond. The spark which made me research this thought is my own life experience during the lockdown. I noticed that I’m spending more time with my parents during lockdown than in normal life which was a busy schedule. I have indulged in many activities with my family during lockdown like eating together, sharing thoughts, playing games, helping them in daily chores, etc. I was eating healthy food and spending time for myself on improving my skills.
Functionalists regard society as a system made up of different parts which depend on each other. Different institutions each perform specific functions within a society to keep that society going, in the same way as the different organs of a human body perform different functions in order to maintain the whole. Functionalists see the family as an important institution as they see it as the ‘basic building block’ of society which performs the crucial functions of socializing the young and meeting the emotional needs of its members. Stable families underpin social order and economic stability. But present studies convey that the basic building blocks are now slowly collapsing. People are falling apart from each other due to their different life situations. Which is affecting society very badly. Families are getting unstable and vulnerable. But human conditions like lockdown helped the members to stay together and nourish their forgotten bond again
The concept of the primary group was introduced by Charles Cooley, a sociologist from the Chicago School of sociology, in his book Social Organization: A Study of the Larger Mind (1909). Primary groups play an important role in the development of personal identity. Cooley argued that the impact of the primary group is so great that individuals cling to primary ideals in more complex associations and even create new primary groupings within formal organizations. Family is the most relevant primary group in society. Most humans develop and enhance their character through their families. It’s the first school of social order and social contracts. But family is slowly losing its grip among the people. The dependence is slowly diminishing. But this negligence is eradicated during the lockdown period because situations forced people to stay united and dependent on primary groups.
The article mainly focuses on the positive impact of lockdown. Because staying optimistic and acknowledging the bright side are the best way to achieve emotional stability. The article basically concentrates on the positive impact of lockdown on families. Which is one of the most relevant human institution which constitutes a society. Lockdown became a reason for the people to stay together. It tweaked a feeling of togetherness and conscience among the family members. Because empathy and bond between family members are very relevant for a healthy social life. A healthy sharing of thoughts and feelings with family members is very important for a stress-free life and longevity. But by analyzing various research and studies done by professionals throughout this decade can point out insights that the bond and connections between the family members are decreasing drastically. People are no longer together and not spending quality time with their parents. There are various instances that cause the phenomena to happen in people’s lives. Situations like workplaces, educational needs, technology, and other life situations cause this to happen. But lockdown forced people to stay home which brought an immense increase in the number of time people spent with their parents and family. So therefore we can see the overall positive impact of lockdown on families which basically improved the bond and connection with our loved ones.
An online questionnaire was conducted in order to collect relevant data about the social situation and this data provide various insights they are as follows
- Respondents agree that they spent quality time with their parents. 70 percentage of the respondents consume healthy food. Which improves their overall lifestyle and increases longevity. Lockdown restricted the reach of fast food and processed food drastically and that made people eat healthy and non-processed homely food.
- 50 percentage of the respondents share their personal issues and thoughts with their parents and that’s a tremendous result to be looked into. Because nowadays teens never share or even in worse scenarios, they just not even talk a word with their parents and that’s tragic and will bring emotional instability.
- 70 percentage of the respondents agree that they indulged more in activities with their parents after lockdown. They helped in the daily chores and another kind of activities which enhanced the wellbeing of the family. This action can help families to make stronger bonds and empathy.
- 50 percentage of the respondents agree that they spent their quality time with their family by playing interesting games and activities which can strongly boost the mood and happiness, which will help to reduce stress.
- 50 percentage of the respondents agree that during the lockdown period, they share more things and thoughts with their parents and family members. Which is a great reason to understand each other and helps to connect with each other. Humans are social animals therefore without communication and share of thoughts, no society survives, and as a famous metaphor states “No man is an island”.
- 60 percentage of the respondents believe that they strengthened their bond with their family during the lockdown. The ‘stay home’
instruction had forced everyone to stay inside which automatically turned to be a great platform to strengthen the bond with your parents and you have all the time in the world.
The pandemic brought difficult living conditions for people all over the world. Every area of our lives is slowly falling apart. Government, administrative officials, health officials, and various health organizations work tirelessly to stop the global pandemic. We can strongly believe that lockdown has a bright side. Through the statistics and various insights, we can agree that the bond between the family members is increased which helped to maintain a calm and a life without stress during this global pandemic and its atrocities. The pandemic filled the world with struggles and pain but with our family, we will thrive by sharing and staying together, safe and secure, and be optimistic.
This too shall pass!