in OCD2 years ago



Hola, hola a todos!!!

Hello, hello everyone!!!

Yo Soy Grisel Velásquez, nací en una pintoresca ciudad petrolera llamada Cabimas, cuyo nombre se deriva de una planta llamada árbol de CABIMO, conocido científicamente como copaifera officinalis o copaifera venezolana, el cual sus pobladores indígenas utilizaban con fines medicinales.


I am Grisel Velásquez, I was born in a picturesque oil town called Cabimas, whose name is derived from a plant called CABIMO tree, scientifically known as copaifera officinalis or copaifera venezolana, which its indigenous inhabitants used for medicinal purposes.





Cabimas está ubicada en el Estado Zulia de nuestro país Venezuela, y desde el año 1922 se convirtió en una ciudad petrolera con el descubrimiento del pozo petrolero BARROSO 2, pozo que dio a conocer a Venezuela como un país de gran referencia en materia petrolera.


Cabimas is located in the Zulia State of our country Venezuela, and since 1922 it became an oil city with the discovery of the BARROSO 2 oil well, well that made Venezuela known as a country of great reference in oil matters.






Pertenezco a una familia de 7 integrantes, de izquierda a derecha: Raquel, Mabel, Grisel (Yo), Aiskell y Carmelo, cuatro hermanas y un hermano. Abajo nuestros padres: Arquímedes Velásquez (falleció en 2020) y Elina Espinoza de Velásquez.
I belong to a family of 7 members, from left to right: Raquel, Mabel, Grisel (Me), Aiskell and Carmelo, four sisters and one brother. Below our parents: Arquímedes Velásquez (died in 2020) and Elina Espinoza Velásquez.



Con mi familia viví hasta el año 1990, en una hermosa casa que mi padre compró a la empresa petrolera Creole Petroleum Corporation y luego la transformó en nuestro hermoso hogar.
I lived with my family until 1990, in a beautiful house that my father bought from the oil company Creole Petroleum Corporation and then transformed it into our beautiful home.



Me casé en el año 1990 y junto a mi esposo formé una familia de 3 hijos, además hoy tenemos una hermosa nieta.
I got married in 1990 and together with my husband I formed a family of 3 children, and today we have a beautiful granddaughter.


Hoy tengo 60 años de edad. Soy Ingeniera Industrial, pero además, hace 4 años me especialicé como Terapeuta Holística en PsicoNeuroInmunoEndocrinología y Psicopintura. También soy Líder de Yoga de la Risa. Actualmente me dedico a atender personas en mi consulta Online de Biodescodificación. Además, me encanta cocinar platillos salados, aunque preparo una torta de chocolate que me queda para chuparse los dedos.
Today I am 60 years old. I am an Industrial Engineer, but in addition, 4 years ago I specialized as a Holistic Therapist in PsychoNeuroImmunoEndocrinology and Psychopainting. I am also a Laughter Yoga Leader. Currently I dedicate myself to attend people in my Online Biodescodification practice. In addition, I love to cook savory dishes, although I prepare a chocolate cake that is finger-licking good.



Este año además cociné para la cena de navidad, unos deliciosos panes de jamón, uno de los platos típicos preparados en Venezuela para las celebraciones decembrinas.
This year I also cooked some delicious ham breads for Christmas dinner, one of the typical dishes prepared in Venezuela for the Christmas celebrations.




A partir de hoy, estaré compartiendo con ustedes temas relacionados con la Biodescodificación, mis recetas favoritas, entre otras cosas, esperando que todo el contenido sea de su total agrado y aprovechamiento para esta comunidad. Además, espero aprender mucho de todos ustedes.

Antes de despedirme, quiero agradecer a mi querida sobrina @estefania3 porque por ella estoy hoy aquí.

GRACIAS POR LEERME Los espero en mi próximo post.

From today, I will be sharing with you topics related to Biodescodification, my favorite recipes, among other things; hoping that all the content will be of your total pleasure and use for this community. Also, I hope to learn a lot from all of you.

Before I say goodbye, I want to thank my dear niece @estefania3 because she is the reason why I am here today.

THANK YOU FOR READING ME. I look forward to seeing you in my next post.



Bienvenida querida..!
Que bueno que formes parte de esta familia...

Hello @griselteresa ! This is @jcrodriguez from the @OCD team. Congratulations for making your presentation post to the community.

A curiosity , what happened to the griselt account. Check the presentation of that account and it is you.

I also invite you to explore other communities that you might like in this post: OCD Communities Incubation Program. There is a wide variety of topics. Check out all the communities.

If you are looking for tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide. They are easy to understand and useful for learning how the platform ecosystem works.

Content on Hive is monetized, so using content or images that belong to others could be considered an offense. Here is a useful collection of resources about how plagiarism and abuse is viewed and handled on Hive.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

Hi @jcrodriguez! Thank you very much for your welcome.
Indeed, the griselt account is mine but I stopped using it for a long time. A few days ago I decided to activate my publications and I realized that my account had been jacked. I tried to recover it, but it was impossible.
I appreciate if you can advise me on what to do to close my old account, taking into account that I now have a new one.
Thanks for your recommendations, I will check the newbie guide.

Bienvenida nuevamente tía. Muchos éxitos en este nuevo comienzo y ya sabes que cuentas conmigo para cualquier orientación que te haga falta ☺️🎄❤️

Gracias mi querida Estefa por compartir conmigo tus conocimientos y por tu paciencia. Eres una chica muy especial. Te amo.

Welcome to Hive, Grisel! It's great to have you have. 😊

That chocolate cake you made almost makes me want to break my self-imposed dietary restrictions! Looks absolutely delicious.

Hello! Chocolate cake is a dessert adored by many people. That's why I suggest you to enjoy it every time it provokes you, without remorse...

I've seen the outcome of people who do just that, and let's just that it scared me away...!

In either case, it's perfect in moderation. Yours would definitely be a wonderful choice. ☺️

Bienvenida @griselteresa, es una gran historia de grupo familiar y buena referencia de la localidad Cabimas. De seguro disfrutarás la experiencia en hive.blog

Yo también estoy segura que disfrutaré esta experiencia al máximo.

Welcome aboard! I'll delegate some resource credits to help you comment and post more while you get started. The best way to build a good audience is to be a good audience for others, so create conversations! If you have any questions, feel free to ask! I don't have all the answers, but I am glad to help if I can. I use PeakD most, but if you're on another HIVE front end, just change the "peakd.com" part of the address in my links to whichever site you use.

Be sure to write down your keys and keep them somewhere safe. Click here for another writer's overview of which keys do what. Beware of scammers who promise quick riches or mystery airdrops, and don't enter your keys anywhere carelessly.

The HIVE community tends to be welcoming, but rewards may drop off after your introduction. Persevere! The path to success is not always fast and easy. Just be avoid plagiarism and spam in your posts, and you'll make progress in due time. It may help to find communities where you can meet other people who share your interests. If you intend to write about your recipes, try Foodies Bee Hive!

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Thanks for all your recommendations, I will take them into account from now on. Sorry if my English is poor, but my original language is Spanish and I know little English, to write in that language I have to use a translator. If you have one that you can recommend, I would appreciate it.
My intention is to write about recipes, but also about Biodescodification, which is the way to find the metaphysical origin of illnesses, or their emotional meaning; and thus find the way to heal. If you know of any community related to this subject, I would be grateful if you could let me know. Thank you!
