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RE: My quarantine. / Mi cuarentena.

in OCD5 years ago (edited)

Gracias a Dios aun no conozco a nadie con el virus. Pero el gobierno está empeñado en decir que solo tenemos esos casos, 190 y algo. Eso no puede ser. Lo que pasa es que no están preparados en los lugares de atención sanitaria con lo necesario para detectar casos. Hay con mucha seguridad, muchísimos casos por allí que no sabemos que están infectados. No salir es lo mejor. A partir de esta fecha ya deben salir muchos de los infectados, por el plazo de incubación.Que Dios nos proteja amiga.

Thank God I still don't know anyone with the virus. But the government is determined to say that we only have those cases, 190 and something. That can not be. What happens is that they are not prepared in the places of
medical attention with what is necessary to detect cases. There is a lot of security, many cases out there that we don't know are infected. Not going out is the best. From this date many of the infected must leave, due to the incubation period. May God protect us friend. @wakeupkitty.


We have 840 people who died this winter. Last winter with the flu it was at least 2,900. Only these people are counted and everybody forgot them. Why is this one important? Because we count even if it is not everyone. So far this one is not worse as the one we had last year. Blessings for you. 💕