Don't worry, the G-dog wasn't doing anything nefarious or illicit and the all-important social-distancing regulations were stringently upheld...It was just an opportunity to good to pass up...An impromptu hive-meet-up with the indomitable, and fellow @mallsballers legend @holoz0r! That's right y'all virus isolation be damned!
Today started like most others; Laying in bed checking out the latest on hive when in popped a message from the legendary @holoz0r in respect to a post I had just done. He was very complimentary of it, which was nice, and we chatted on Discord for a little bit.
[Image removed]
The legend to the left and G-dog grinning like an idiot to the right.
He was telling me he had today off work and that was when an idea sprang into my noggin...A hive meet-up for coffee!
I was heading to a major shopping mall to find a new book and to hit the supermarket for easter weekend supplies (chocolate easter eggs and hot cross buns y'all) and because the big fella himself lives nearby and had the day off a meet-up seemed the logical thing to do.
Meet-ups happen here in Adelaide every month with some 15-22 people in attendance, and have done for a couple years as organised by guru of meet-ups @mattclarke, but this mini-meet seemed legit and would get us both off our computers for a while.
I fired up the big dog, my 200 Series Landcruiser, as it hadn't had a run in over a week and headed to the shopping mall. Once there I was surprised to see it so...Well, so closed. I'd guess that only one in ten shops were actually open and probably far less than that ratio of food outlets. I guess people really are doing the right thing from the virus-lockdown perspective. That wasn't going to help me get a coffee though now was it!
It worked out though as the champ and I found a coffee shop that was open (take-away only of course) then walked over the road to the park and started doing laps of the parkland area for some exercise whilst we chatted.
I know most on the platform would never normally see any other user in person either for lack of opportunity or privacy reasons, but here in Adelaide we tend to catch up and socialise a bit. It's cool because, with things often being so complicated on the platform, I feel like I have a little support at those times when I'm confounded by something or the other. We have also traded crypto and metals face to face which is cool too.
Today was nice just strolling around talking about the world, state of play, particular individuals on the platform (maybe even you) and various other things...It was good to be out of the house also and with a glorious autumn day of 20°C and clear blue skies...What's not to like! Ah yes, life's good indeed.
chocolate easter eggs and hot cross buns healthy supplies.After an hour or so we parted ways, me to the book store and @holoz0r to the supermarket for
It was a brief interlude in, what would otherwise have been, a typical day and it's always great to physically speak directly with someone else who is active on hive rather than just online...It feels more personable I guess. I know face-to-face meet-ups aren't something everyone likes to do but for those who have done so at organised events typically have nothing but great things to say; As do I.
So, who else has caught up with another user(s) face-to-face and how did it go? Was it worth while, enjoyable, awkward? Comment below y'all.
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
By the way, if you're into photography, art or gaming or simply want to check out a new user check out @holoz0r's blog and throw him a line or two to say hi.
The sun was out, and that was glorious. I returned victorious with healthy supplies.
I feel like I could go a whole bunch more laps of that park, good, stimulating conversation, and I even worked up a sweat.
If you have people that live near you and are on chain. Go and say hello. Be responsible, be healthy, but don't neglect your body's need for exercise, sunshine, and other humans beyond the four walls of your own home.
Thanks for the shout out regarding my photography and gaming - I miss it immensely (the photography, I've got plenty of time for gaming at the moment!).
To everyone reading this, stay healthy, stay engaged, and stay safe as you can!
That's no bloody fun!
Was good to see you today mate. Stay safe and have a good long weekend...With your boring healthy supplies.
The very first Adelaide Hive meetup :)
I guess the numbers can only improve from here, right?
I miss you all.
Hey yeah, I didn't think of it that way but I guess it is. Hope you're well and we can get going with bigger meet-ups again soon.
Plaster off, wires out, Click here for video.
NB: Not for the Squeemish
Is it just me or does that fella need to learn how to use pliers? Seemed to have some trouble, but it looks like the pins came out easily enough one the klutz worked it out.
I stopped recording because he had to go find a tiny Allen key to take the second plastic ball off. Didn't hurt too bad; and chicks dig scars :)
Haha, they do.
Name the cheating.
Nope, I was thinking of this.

Which is probably referencing the movie you're thinking of :)
Good stuff, glad to see both alive and kicking - be good when the Adelaide catchups kick off again and this virus stuff has passed.
Yeah, the questions is how long will that take...Oh well, we just have to play the cards we're dealt I guess.
Good to see all the circle-jerking entitled rip-off scamming cunts got together to jerk each other off in real life. All these votes from these "so-called" curation communities, for garbage posts like these seem kind of interesting. Except for the fact that the people who write this (or any) similar garbage, are curators of those communities themselves. Look away people, no conflict of interest or scamming going on around here. Oh yeah, and old school nepotism entitlement too, just to put the icing on the cake! Yes yes, lets double cross-post every shitpost too! Not just this post, but all of them! Mega-entitled scammers! The blockchain brothers of entitlement.
Noooooooooow we get to really get to find out why there was such a big outcry at the steemit takeover. It was all about keeping our entitled scamming circle-jerk alive. Fucking losers.
Hahaha! Awesome! If I met you in public there’s no stopping me from giving you a death grip bear hug!! Don’t care if itd kill me!
Bear hugs all round if BB was in da house! Meet-ups can be cool. I never made it to one of the international events but I think the plan is to have one in Finland when I am there at some stage (meant to be July). We'll see.
What about that! Look at it!
It will be interesting.
yeh nah yeh nah, couldn't resist, looks like you had a glorious adventure, see restrictions are getting tighter, don't be surpprised if it gets to, 2 max stay safe
Haha, you're clearly experienced with the Aussie lingo. 😂
nah... well yeh, enjoy your Easter Break, eggs and the such
Have a great Easter yourselves. Stay safe. 🙂
I was just staring at the beard thinking guy was a Maharaj or something hahaha great to actually meet up these trying times share a few friendly laughter
I'm a bit of a metal head, that's where the beard mainly grew from, that and my bizarre mix of Eastern European genes mixed with some Egyptian way back on my paternal great grandfather's side.
Born in Australia though.
Also, being incredibly lazy and not wanting to shave also helps with that look.
He looks like Aussie legend Ned Kelly. (Google it.) Lol.
Not had any face to face contact with others on here. Though I was wondering why my ears were burning today must have been you two talking about me😱🤣.
Oh yeah mate you were the first cab off the rank for sure. It was all good though. Trust me.
Lol awesome 👍
Top notch, I havent seen another Hiver for ages. The last was in January when he wasn't even a Hiver but a steemer!
Notice I avoided the use of the chain that cannot be mentioned?
It was a nice little walk (laps actually, like a couple fucking in-shape F1cars!) and chat. Lol.
Lol. I did notice!
I ran up and down a hill yesterday! I was happy that I still could do something exercise'y!
C'mon, the Boom has to be in peak physical shape right? What chance do mere-mortals like me have if Boomy isn't in titanic shape! Oh hang on, the Titanic fucking sank like a piece of shit...What I mean is you are a Titan among mere-mortals.
Phew, got out of that one easily...
You did! You got out it!! Of course I am in TITANic shape!
I was in not bad shape but these last few weeks. Sheesh! :OD
We were talking about snacking today as we
walkedstrode god-like around the park...@holoz0r suggested a big sign on the fridge saying:You're bored, not hungry
That shit wouldn't probably stop me though. Lol.
Smashed 2 HCB's today...(Hot cross buns.)
The problem with hunger is that you generally have most of your mental faculties in place when you've got it.
Perhaps having to solve a Sudoku puzzle prior to entry to the freezer / fridge / pantry should be mandatory in these work from home and stay at home times?
It wouldn't stop me either, If anything it would probably make me giggle as I still carried on and reached inside.
Its a good idea though!
Inner BlocksYou have been curated by @hafizullah on behalf of : a community encouraging first hand content, with each individual living their best life, and being responsible for their own well being. #innerblocks Check it out at @innerblocks for the latest information and community updates, or to show your support via delegation.
Nice to see smiles, stay safe guys - just going to check out your pals content, ooo gaming.
@janton does not realize I am a .....
Master Backer......
I can go backwards as good as I go forwards.....
Maybe I will back down his Culdesac..... U rekon I should tell him first or surprise him....???
Surprise him I reckon, video it too!
Hey, you see that video I sent to your Protonmail?
Yep..... Mental illness is the pandemic right now. (BB syndrome) Broken Brains, the sickness is real....
Haha, my school teachers always thought I had BB syndrome...Always told me I'd amount to nothing.
Looks like you were maintaining your social distance too, good people XD Glad you had a good meetup (inaugural hive meetup or has SA already done that?), hope you both went home in much better spirits (even if they weren't exactly bad to begin with).
Perth has only ever had one meetup, and then some of the others managed to get together with someone that had flown in for an impromptu one. I had fun at the one I went to and from the photos I saw of the other one they looked like they were having fun. There hasn't been any more since as @bmj (who seems to be the best organiser out of the lot of us) and I have child-related activities on pretty much every evening and during the day on the weekends so trying to find a time that worked was nigh on impossible XD Though the others could have easily organised something if they wanted.
There's actually a couple that live near me but I haven't seen them for a while and they haven't posted for a while either.
A lot of people probably want to maintain the illusion of anonymity although no one is truly anonymous in today's society. I guess the illusion of it is all they have to cling to. Maybe that's why there's not many meet-ups around the world.
Adelaide is unique in that it has a regular meet up and it's reasonably well-attended. The virus has put a stop to it however I assume it'll start again as time goes by.
That beard... It's a spectacular thing to look at!
@holoz0r has a magnificent beard...And you know what they say...No beard, no good.
Start at 26 seconds. This is an Adelaide band...A mate of mine went to school with these guys and I go to most of their shows. They are called, The Beards.
Indeed, no beard, is no good. Unfortunately, my inherited genes means that growing facial hair takes time. I'm still working on it. I hope that by listening to that inspiring music, it'll encourage my hairs to start growing.
Haha, yeah they sing only about beards. It's quite odd, but good fun. I have a mate that can't grow a beard...We give him shit, but every crew needs a beardless one. Lol.
Howdy sir galenkp, way to go, super cool! What a beard sported by sir holozOr!
Yeah, he's been working from home for a week...That's how long it too to grow. (Not really)
It's definitely a unique look but it fits him well!