Think like a Viking: Part fourteen

in OCD4 years ago

me for a moment (16).png

Work not done, needs no reward.

Reading the Norse Sagas and Edda's around the fire in my long hall whilst sipping mead from a horn-cup always brings me value and relevant meaning; I thought to share some.

I don't actually have a Viking long hall, but I have a fire and mead so it works. Either way, the reading is valuable. Also I'm putting together a fleet to go raiding in Britain so need warriors and shield maidens; if you're interested apply below in the comments. I'm serious, it's happening. I've got a reliable man on the inside laying the foundations for conquest so success is assured. No health benefits included but if you die, a highly probable outcome, we'll burn you on a pyre, so all good. original im src

This week's Viking quote

Work not done, needs no reward - Grettir Saga

If I asked a hundred people if they'd be content getting something for nothing I think I'd receive many different responses from yes to no and everything in between. There's no right or wrong answer just the answer that's relevant to the individual and whatever circumstance that person chose as perspective for their answer.

I'm a man who prefers a reward for effort ethos which I've found brings me greater satisfaction. It doesn't mean I don't like rewards that come easily; I do. It's just that applying myself to a task, situation or circumstance, moving it forward to completion or resolution through my own, or collaborative, effort brings more satisfaction than a result of happenstance; it brings contentment, fulfillment, pride and other valuable feelings that can help one push forward with greater confidence, build momentum and, consequently, greater results in the future. It's a cycle.

Commensurate to that reward for effort ethos has come the inability to reward those for the sake of it.

I'm able to encourage a person, a team-member at work for instance, but only if some effort is being applied. A lack of effort, in my opinion, doesn't deserve reward; there's other ways to deal with it. Evaluation, reflection, training, new strategies and plans, goal setting; basically, providing support without removing the responsibility of the individual. But reward? No. Can being supported in the ways I mention above be rewarding? Yes of course, be that reward is only found through action subsequently taken and applying effort as that individual redeploys with new attitudes and goals in mind.

I've worked in places where management has implemented periodic awards for various things: Employee of the month, most popular person in the office and others such things.

I don't see them as bad things to do - If done correctly. Unfortunately it's often used as a motivator for an unmotivated person, a reward as such, with the intention of improving their attitude, effort, work-rate and so on. So, a reward for not doing the right thing, being unproductive, lazy, showing a poor attitude, lack of ownership, responsibility, discipline and generally being a waste of space. Yeah, that ain't my thing and I disagree with it.

I feel this way of doing things can have the reverse-effect of the desired outcome. Is it conceivable that the person receiving the award actually thinks they deserved it? Maybe, but it's probable that the person knows they're actually not up to scratch and received an accolade they didn't deserve as a "motivator". A pity reward. Not something I'd want to receive I can assure you. Nope, I'm happy to work for what I want, results.

I also feel that rewarding people for no, or low, effort can disenfranchise others in the team leading to a decline in performance, attitude and mindset - Not something a company can afford in this economic environment and something I worked hard to address within my own teams over the years.

I've been a leader for many years and have always rewarded those responsible to me for their efforts and work done well, efficiently, effectively and in a results-focused manner. Also, I've never taken, nor accepted, accolades due to them, the team or operators who have done the work. It's they who deserve it and stealing it would demotivate and begin a rot within the team.

I've also applied the support without removing responsibility tactic as a method of bringing people to productivity, back to it, as required. It's amazing how a little empowerment can affect a person's mindset. Naturally I've reprimanded as required, attitude-adjusted and re-educated, but it's not (generally) been a beating; it's that support without removing responsibility thing.

What I haven't done is reward people for no effort and I'm content with that strategy; I'm not about to change now.

This is how I've chosen to think about this quote today however I'm sure there's other ways to see it and if you would like to give me your opinion below in the comments I'll be really pleased. Agree with me or not, it doesn't matter, just get involved.


Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised so be humble and kind

Discord: galenkp#9209


I think it was Obama ( I like him, but not a huge fan) who instilled the ideology that society must be grounded in work, not welfare. It is one principle I agree with wholeheartedly and we must look towards rewarding efforts rather than simply giving away rewards for doing nothing.

Hey empress, so nice to have your comment on my post! I hope you're well.

I agree with you, and Obama in this case. People (generally) are far too willing/comfortable to hold their hand out waiting for something to fall into it; that ethos is actively promoted in fact. Everything needs to be easy, stress free and abundant and that behaviour is self-perpetuating I believe. Quite sad.

I've had people tell me my methods are too harsh, that I should reward everyone equally and my response? Well, I htink the post says it all.

Apply some effort, show the right attitude, take action and ownership...I'll reward it. Do nothing and I'll not.

Again, thanks for your great comment. :)

Everything needs to be easy, stress free and abundant and that behaviour is self-perpetuating I believe. Quite sad.

Now I understand a bit more why you don't like crypto gaming😅

Now I understand a bit more why you don't like crypto gaming

I don't like gaming full stop; but I get the monetised aspect of Splinterlands though, why people like it.

That comment is more about societies' expectation ethos though, which is very destructive.

I'm not a fan of the new system. I remember 1st and 2nd, etc. No awards for losing. They found something else they're good at. Everyone's a winner now.

I miss being able to say 'people aren't your thing, maybe you should study computers or jump off a cliff' without them running to a bottle of anti-depressants.

I'm not a fan of the new system. I remember 1st and 2nd, etc. nobody was awarded for sucking, instead they found something else they're good at. Everyone a winner now.

I just commented to empress (above or below) this exact thing. Society is flawed and broken...More than ever before.

Don't edit "sucking" in Galen's comment section, he's way too quick. -noted.

Lol...I sit around all day staring at my screen waiting for your comments dandays!

I know they wish they knew what I was reading just now when I laughed out loud.

Reading your post is like reading a summary of Jocko Willinks book's summary "Extreme Ownership".

Or it maybe that most military leaders who are successful, have the same thinking and attitude: ownership, builiding a strong team, keeping the ego in check and focusing on the mission, etc...

I don't know about reward but I believe that action kills stress and worries.
Doing something about a situation is better than thinking and getting into analysis paralysis(which I often fell into).

I understand these concepts but I am not able to apply them fully. Maybe it's because I just learned all these things in the last one or two years, and it takes some time to change behavior😓

Then, there you have your weekly post to remind people how to get better, or what they lack so they are not getting the desired results.


Reading your post is like reading a summary of Jocko Willink's book's summary "Extreme Ownership".

It's a legit book bro and I'm glad to see you're read it! You listen to the Jocko Podcast? Get on it man.

action kills stress and worries.

This can be true for sure, although one needs to evaluate and plan prior to deployment and action and for that a certain attitude and mindset is required. Analysis-paralysis is also a thing of course. It's good that you spotted it in yourself and for the ownership to deal with it.

takes some time to change behavior

Hey brah, don't be downcast about the time it takes to change behaviours...Embrace the journey, find inspiration there, in your success and failures along the way.

I was talking about you with another user today and we both agreed that you're a good chap, a sensible and switched on guy with his head screwed on. Keep it up fella.

Thanks... I listen to a few podcasts like Jocko's, Tim ferris, Naval Ravikant, and a few more. But not a regular listener, because I avoid consuming too much of new information/material.
Though I do listen to audiobooks regularly.

Like Extreme Ownership, it's decades of experience of one of the top military leader in a 3-4 hour book.

I prefer to consume good things again and again than to consume new things more.

Like I have read extreme ownership once, listened to it twice this year. Similarly, atomic habits, must have read and listened to that book 4-5 times.

That's how I learn, with repetition😅

I was talking about you with another user today and we both agreed that you're a good chap

Thanks. I always try to speak my heart, and be honest.

Hopefully, I will be able to make a few friends here🙂

Engage with people mate, you'll make friends.

I guess I've never been motivated by rewards, most people would say I expect too much from my own son. Manners, Respect and effort.

Back on topic... Where I grew up that's a complicated one,I'm long gone from there now. But the mentality is there. Want to eat, work hard and find plenty of side hussles. People weren't cold hearted, if you couldn't pull your weight then no one else could afford to look out for you.

No matter what you did, could be stacking shelves, working the 7-11 or lifting those nice shiny Daytons off the car next street over. Just Be good at it.

Empty belly= motivation.
Most of the time there ain't no 3rd place😁

expect too much from my own son. Manners, Respect and effort.

Funny how people think these basic things could be too much. What's wrong with society!

Yeah mate, I like what you say...Hussle. I don't mean in an illegal manner, just a get after it attitude. You know, make something happen. I'm not one for awards and all, never needed medals, or wanted them...The result is the reward. Of course rewards are part of life and so I received one or two...But only if I deserved them. I'm not the guy that likes getting let to win.

The interesting thing is that different people have different reward-value systems. My eldest son, for instance, would spend more time and energy that I would to determine just the right amount of work required to pass and graduate; no more, no less. Could he have gotten straight-A's? Yes, he could have. He knows it. He didn't care. To him it was more worthwhile to spend the energy to figure out how to get straight C's, because he absolutely hated doing the schoolwork. It was infuriating. To him the reward was the C average. If he got a B in one class, you can be sure he'd get a D in another.

I wanted to strangle him.

His Calculus teacher was similarly frustrated. He tried all sorts of carrot-stick-reward systems, but ultimately summed up Joshua in this way: "Joshua is going to get a B in my class. He won't do any homework at all but will ace every exam, and that will average out to a B. And I'll bet my paycheque that he scores a 5 (out of 5) on the AP (college level) exam." (and he was right)

I swear, I nearly fell of my chair in laughter at that. I was in a room with 6 teachers all trying to figure out a way to motivate Joshua. It was both embarrasing, yet a proud moment for me.

I wanted to strangle him

Based on the first paragraph, I get it.

I have a suspicion that the lad will do great things, maybe not great in other people's eyes, but in his own. I think he might be a very content dude in the future.

Yep, as soon as he finds His Things, he's going to do Great Things, I've no doubt. Until then, I still need to wake his sorry ass up to get to work, at 19 years of age.

Hmm, yes I think it's time. I started work at 13. Lol. Different times.

I can remember my great grandfather telling me that he worked on the WPA during World War ll

Created by President Franklin Roosevelt to relieve the economic hardship of the Great Depression, this national works program (renamed the Work Projects Administration beginning in 1939) employed more than 8.5 million people on 1.4 million public projects before it was disbanded in 1943.

Instead of Money for nothing and the Chicks for Free he put them to work to earn unemployment. I see nothing wrong with that. The Hoover Dam, LaGuardia Airport, and the Bay Bridge (near me) were all part of FDR's New Deal investment. I think it gives a person. At the height of it, there were 3.3 million people working for the WPA.

As far as winners and placements? I grew up when first place was an achievement and they have taken away all of that with their participation awards. So, now, we cannot disappoint little Johnny or Susie because they will become depressed?

I get it, and agree. It's mad how things go these days. You mention the WPA...

Here recently (whilst unemployment benefits were doubled due to covid) they brought in Filipino workers to pick fruit as the primary producers could not get anyone to work there. (Usually backpackers etc. Do it for the money.)

Easier to stay on social security it seems.

If I was the King I'd have the unemployed whipped all the way to the farms then made to work for their unemployment benefit. (Maybe not whipped).

But maybe whipped.

The something for nothing ethos drives me bonkers. Medals for last place? WTF!

Two years compulsory military service will straighten some of them out.

We had all those things! The unemployment during COVID was disgusting in that people refused to work because the unemployment paid MORE than the jobs. They received an extra $600 week.

And so, I like the WPA. We need it back.

Medals for last place? WTF!

I know, right????

We used to have military service that wasn't compulsory, but, everyone joined. It was the one thing that men had in common. They could sit at a diner and they would say, what branch? - and take off from there. They were trained and ready for life.


Le sigh.


Yeah...Not much good to say I'm afraid. It's all messed up.