Thanks man. I didn't realise your dad died so recently, I'm sorry. Sauce it up my man, no reason not to. I'll hoist one in honour Saturday night, and I'll make a burger in his name also.
I saw the wound on my dad's foot yesterday, the one that hasn't healed for 10 months...It's horrific, and I'm not a stranger to that sort of thing. It broke me down, knowing that my dad deals with it. He shouldn't have to. Today was...A bit of a shocker really, but I have to do what I do because my dad cannot. I'm a tough dude but I broke down a couple times today. With work as well, clients...It's been a tough week.
I'm looking forward to the weekend and to hanging with Faith...I'd be with her now but she's watching that old movie My Fair Lady and well...Yeah, not my thing. Lol.
Thanks for your message mate, I appreciate it and thank hive for allowing people reach across the world and offer a stranger some comfort.
Even the toughest of us break down. Nowt wrong with letting it out. Throwing work into the mix as well, what a shitstorm it can feel like.
Aye, the weekend will sort you, that's just what you need a reset point before getting back into the thick of it.
Aye, it was only last year, I didn't talk about it much. Walled up Scottish folk :0D hoist a burger, he would have laughed at that!
Consider a burger hoisted. I may hoist some potato wedges dipped in sweet chilli sauce and sour cream too... And then some corn chips and salsa...Maybe a coffee and cake later as well...All for your dad mate, the Big-dawg-Boom! :)
I like your hoisty style! I will hoist one for you and yours dudeski. Mine might be a wetter hoisting though! :OD