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RE: Outbound engagement (Thoughts from my car)

in OCD5 years ago

Firstly thanks for reading my posts my broo, I appreciate that.

Secondly yes, there is a time and place for everything and sometimes not everything can be posted on the chain. I use Discord too, and understand that there's people like yourself doing stuff behind the scenes that enhances and supports what happens on hive. Unfortunately many don't understand that and so can't show their gratitude - I do, and can, so thank you.

I guess I mean more the interaction that is post related. I've seen it on Discord and figure that those comments could be better-placed on the actual post.

I say it a lot, but will say it more...That comment an account like you or me place on a new user often means so much more to a new account than the effort used to place the comment.

It's no different to me receiving a comment from you on my posts, which really makes me happy. If Dan or Acid, Justine or some other such large (established) account made a comment on me the result would be the same, and I'm reasonably established! Imagine for someone new! That's why I engage with them so much...It helps retention in my opinion. If we all did it, and of course, those new accounts did it too, then we'd thrive.

Just my humble and probably simplistic opinion. I am but a simple dude after all.

I hope you're having a crackin' weekend broo.


Absolutely; you know I read something today from Murakami that I really liked, maybe you will like it too

“If you can’t understand something without explanation; you can’t understand it with the explanation”

I like that. Stealing it...Ok, let's just say borrowing as it makes me seem less criminal. 😉

I'll put that to good use cobber (mate) so thanks for sharing.

Cheers mate! You have a cracking day :)