I'll be honest...I'm adorable. Well, my wife Faith finds me that way anyway; You may have other thoughts or impressions...Or even none at all! But trust me, I am. Adorable! I've always been adorable.
The thing is though, that sometimes I'm also frustrating, annoying, vexing, insufferable, stubborn, unendurable and any number of other adjectives that often leave Faith feeling somewhat irate...Of course, they all add up to making me cute and adorable, they all add up to me being human I guess...And often a very naughty boy.
Sometimes I get into trouble...I know right? Seems almost unbelievable! But it's true.
You see, I have a legit habit bad habit of picking out all of the cashew nuts from a big container of nuts that Faith gets for us to snack on. It contains walnuts, almonds, pine nuts and cashew nuts...To start with...Then when I'm done grazing it only contains the first three...No cashews. Since I'm being honest I'll say that it fucking pisses her off! I can't overstate that. She get's really annoyed.
So...Yesterday when she noticed my legit devious handywork in the nut container she sent me a message. You can see the text message thread below. Her texts in green, mine in grey.

I think it pretty much speaks for itself, don't you think? I make some totally relevant and legit points I reckon. I also think my catshew diet comment was incredibly funny and clever. 😁
I'm also quite proud of how I tried to shift the blame to anyone, and then my cat Cleo. A desperate move or sheer genius? (I say genius...I reckon it almost worked too.)
I believe the most important message here is my point about purchasing all those other shit nuts instead of just cashew nuts. I mean why would she even bother when she knows I'm just going to pick out the cashew nuts? It doesn't make any sense Faithy. (Please don't tell her I said this...I'm in enough trouble as it is.)
Faith and I share some really funny text message communications; Mostly when she's trying to address some stupid shit I've done or tell me off for being an idiot. Sometimes they happen when I'm trying to weasel out of some stupid shit I've done or for being an idiot. Lol...
Frustrating, annoying, vexing, insufferable, stubborn, unendurable and any number of other adjectives that leave Faith feeling somewhat irate...
There's no denying it...I'm totally adorable. This text exchange demonstrates it very clearly. I know you agree.
So, because I've revealed my adorable side here...Now it's your turn.
Comment below with what makes you adorable...Meaning:
Frustrating, annoying, vexing, insufferable, stubborn, unendurable and any number of other adjectives that leave your partner or parent feeling irate!
I'm sure you have some totally endearing habits that get you into trouble...What are they?
Design and create your ideal life, don't live it by default - Tomorrow isn't promised.
Be well
Discord: galenkp#9209
I agree, cashews are the best nuts 😃
Yep...That's why I'm willing to risk life and limb in my quest to pick out the cashews from amongst the other heinous nuts my wife tries to torture me with. You gotta wake up way earlier than that to get one over the old G-dog Faithy! 😂
So...I think this is the first time you've commented on a post of mine which is cool. So, welcome and I hope you come back. 😉
tokens.Hello @galenkp,
We are all adorable when we are asleep, but sometimes ... we do unconscious things, and nobody can't blame us ... hahaha.
By the way, when I heard about cashews, I said to myself when I saw the photo, what is that I don't know, or do I? It seems peanut, but when I observed it well I said, Ah ..! this is "Merey" as it is known on this side of the world (South America).
Here among us, I also prefer the Merey (Cashew) over the peanut (Maní).
I wondered if the name cashew nut would translate in other countries but I know no other name for it so you actually taught me something today. So maybe when ai eat all the cashew nuts and my wife gets mad with me I can say nah, wasn't me, I only at the merey nuts!
Haha ... You can also tell your wife that you were sleeping. Who has ever blamed a sleepwalker?
This is true...I used to sleep walk as a kid. I reckon that's an awesome excuse and can't believe I didn't think of it!
tokens.Thank you ... I am very pleased with the support.
Adorable comes in many shapes and sizes, I'm pleased to say I'd also try to be as adorable as your messages imply. In poker terms, being as adorable as you have shown in the post is the nuts 😉
My nuts are certainly adorable, yes. 🥴
What's next? Chocolate salty balls, Chef style?
One never knows. 😂
As a kindred cashew lover, I understand completely. Who would buy those other nuts? We'll have to work on her - totally unacceptable.
At least someone is on my side...I landed myself in a spot of bother on this occasion...My picking out cashews days are over...For a while. 😂
New strategy: Don't pick them out but tell her you licked them! Let her decide. lol
Lol...I have deployed this strategy as a kid, with my brother's, to devastatingly good effect.
I am sure Grouchy would have nicked them for him and his girlfriend 🤣. Just buy the mixed nuts and a pack of cashews for G man problem solvered🤣
Yeah,you'd think Faith would just buy cashews...Still, she is ever the optimist and hoping I'll start eating walnuts. (Not going to happen.)
I don't mind pecans though, as long as they're in a pecan pie served with ice cream! Lol.
Pecan pie with ice cream👍
Legit dessert.
OMG!! I laughed so hard at that conversation!! I have to be on your side tho, cashews are the BOMB but I do like the others also.
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I'm big trouble at times...But totally adorable! (Sometimes).
We have some funny text exchanges. I'm planning on sharing a few when appropriate.
Hope you have a good weekend. Krazzy around?
@krazzytrukker should be home sometime today!
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Cool. Tell him hi from the G-dog. I sent him a message on Threema a while back...Didn't reply. Must be busy.
Will do!
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I've been called a good many things in my life and I can't ever recall one of them being 'adorable'.
Maybe once, a long time I ago before I was in school. I think my aunt Harroldine (I'm sure she had the bad attitude due to her name) may have called me adorable. As I recall the full quote was "Well, aren't you fucking adorable?"
But I have a good imagination so I'm going to try this thing.
My best ex and I had a years long running dispute-over toothpaste. This was back in the day when all toothpaste looked exactly the same in the exactly same tube with only the label changed. Those days the tube had a screw top that was always sort of a pain in the ass to replace properly.
The ex and her girls could NEVER get the lid on. Ever, never, not even once by accident. The result of that was that every morning when I went to brush my teeth I had a hard little turd of dried toothpaste on my brush from the cap not being installed. (I was first in and out of the bathroom in the morning. Syd and her two girls could completely occupy 2 bathrooms for hours) I bitched about it routinely and regularly and even used it in a couple of arguments to PROVE how mistreated I was.
I was bitching (righteously)to my mentor about it, trying to figure out this years old conundrum. He suggested I wash the little dry bit down the drain before I start brushing. I'm telling you, the man is genius.
I guess that sorta shows my adorable side, what teeny bit there is of it.
Only one more thing. If you come to my house and eat all the cashews before I get to them I'll show you my less than adorable persona.
Lol...Toothpaste issue sorted...But thank goodness for those little flip caps!
So...Just saying mate...The old G-dog cannot be trusted with cashew nuts. I'm not even joking here. Cannot be trusted. Best lock those little cashewy bastards up!
P.s. If my name was Harroldine I reckon I'd be a grumpy fucker as well.
My aunt Harroldine was mean as a snake. She hated everything and everybody except my Mom and me. I can understand my mom, everybody loved her. But I'm guessing in my case it was simply because I was an adorable fucker at least once in my life.
I got to be Harroldine's caretaker for about 3 years at the end. Not to misunderstand I was essentially her driver. Sorta like Morgan Freeman. She lived alone right up to the end at 91. A rare bird indeed.
The flip top on the toothpaste tube is truly one of mankind's greatest achievements.
So...You were driving Miss Harreldine then...That'd make a good movie I reckon.
Haha the battle of the nutz! I kind of agree with the pro active approach of why buy the other dumb nuts if she knows you are going to eat just the cashews. Maybe get 2 packs, one with all the other dumb nuts and one with just cashews. I don't eat all the other ones either just the cashews too so I can relate. I don't think @silvergingerman and I argue much over food, we just buy more when one of us eats all of something, the store has lots.
Lol...Yeah she's trying to make me more healthy.
We don't argue over food either, just buy more the same as you...Her point is that I should be eating a more balanced selection of nuts. My suggestion has been, cover those fuckers in chocolate then! It was not a well-received suggestion and hasn't been implemented.
But...But...But Chocolate is soo good!
Yep... That's what I say too! Lol.
Hey, @galenkp.
I can't speak to pine nuts (I know I have them, but they're not generally in the nut mixes my wife brings home), but I am inclined to eat the almonds along with the cashews. So, I tend to go after the cashews first, then the almonds, if I'm not banned from eating by then.
My wife does also get perturbed, but I don't think it bothers her so much. I'm not that big of a nut fan to begin with, and then lately, she's just bought peanuts, which she loves and I can take or leave.
Which I guess solves the problem of selectively eating the cashews. For her, anyway. :)
There are probably a couple of things that get me in trouble. I hesitate to call them traits, though. One is, when I'm working, I'm out and about driving for the most part, so I will stop and buy something in a drive-thru for lunch. My wife doesn't like the expense of it, or what it might add to my waistline. She tells me to stop, I haven't yet, though her points are both solid.
I don't want to eat peanut butter sandwiches every day, don't have a way to warm up leftovers while I'm out on the road and don't want to eat them cold, either, since I would have to put them in a cooler so they don't go bad.
Can I let you in on a secret? Once I have exhausted the cashew nut supply the almonds are next...Although I don't consume them at the same rate as the cashew nuts. Like your wife, Faith is just trying to look out for my health as cashew nuts are not as good for a person as walnuts. I told her that the solution is simple; Replace the cashews with Fruchocs. (You'll have to Google that).
When on the road it's difficult to work out the lunch scenario. I'll be honest and say I hit cafés (one in particular) for lunch but it gets costly each day. I'm not a drive-thru guy during the working week but on the weekend I don't mind a burger after the gun range sometimes.
The expense of buying lunches all adds up though so I understand your wife's point completely.
Anyway, I hope you're well. It's been a while since I've seen you around, I guess you were taking a break?
Okay, so almonds are acceptable to eat then. :) I like walnuts, but they would be after Cashews, Macadamias, and Almonds.
re: FruChocs
Googled. Sounds great. Sign me up. :)
I've floated the idea of getting a portable lunch box that actually warms/cooks food and buying the meals that can sit on a pantry shelf before heating (no refrigeration or freezing required). She seemed to be okay with the idea. The meals are around $2 if I remember right, so that should help.
re: break
Well, I guess I took a break, just not on purpose. And yes, I'm good. Thank you.
I guess I started suffering from burnout again, after well over a year of avoiding it. Also, got wrapped up in the planning for the move, which along with going back to work and trying to spend more time with the grandkids before they left, didn't leave a whole lot of time, or desire, to post on HIVE, though I still perused things for the most part.
Basically, I stalked the place, to see if anything major was happening, but mostly found the same old same old every day. :)
Fruchocs are my favourite chocolate...That's a lie, chocolate is my favourite chocolate...All of it. I like me some Fruchocs though. So bloody GOOD!
Taking a break ok, especially if you have other things to do. It's a personal thing and it's ok to do as you please. I'm glad you dropped in and said hi though.
I like the lunch box idea...An outlay for the item at first, but savings made later. I have a fridge/freezed on board my 4x4 at all times. Here in Aus keeping things cold is more important than hot. I wouldn't be without it. 60L capacity so fits loads of stuff for when we travel and I use it day to day.
re: fridge/freezer
In my case, it's more about eating a hot meal rather than eating something refrigerated. I took a peanut butter sandwich each day for a few weeks, but then decided I needed a tad bit more variety. :)
re: break
I guess I'm getting at the fact that it wasn't planned, wasn't really wanting to do it, it just happened, and rather than sitting around feeling unproductive (and somewhat unwanted and/or "what's the point"), I happened to find/be given other things to do. :)
re: chocolate
It's hard to beat chocolate if you like chocolate. :) Which I certainly do.
I've never taken a break...I think I've posted every single day since I started although there could be one or two I didn't. I guess I've never felt the need and always seemed to find myself in a position to be able throw up a post. You mentioned unwanted...I'm not sure what you mean here...Unwanted by the community? I'm sure that's not the case mate, if indeed that's what you mean by the use of that word. Still, as I said before, it's all a personal thing and sometimes we feel things that others don't. I get it.
Hive can be tough...A little like life itself I guess. Staying motivated or productive can be difficult although often our own idea of motivated of productive isn't the same as someone else's and when we feel it in ourselves we think others feel it about is in turn...Which may not be the case. I guess just do what you feel is right for you Glen, but always feel welcome to drop a comment on my posts mate, I don't care what it is...Just connecting with others can be so beneficial for all parties.
Well, thank you. That's all very appreciated. I've been around the block a time or two so it's not really sour grapes or feeling put out or put upon. It's more of the fact that I've gone through waves of 'followers' or 'friends' here who have disappeared or moved on to some other aspect of HIVE and so I'm constantly starting over in that respect—there are still a few that are about, and you and a few others from the next to last wave are still around, but anyway. I keep building up engagement, the tide comes in, and the next thing I know, I'm back at it again. It gets tiresome. I'm not as prolific as some, but I feel I'm more consistent than others, and I don't tend to short form, so it takes time to put together a post, and if I feel like I'm starting over constantly with gathering a following of some sort, well, anyway, it goes against the grain.
As far as the break, I'm trying to say I didn't want to do it, or even felt the need to do it, it just happened, and fighting against it made it worse. So, eventually I just went with it and felt much better for it. I used to have all day to do this, now I don't. Such is life and that's okay. Better to have the income while the real world is still in fiat rather than not and hope for the crypto rush to appear.
So, anyway. I think I'm coming out of it a bit, which is good, and maybe we'll get some upward movement on prices instead of the eternal sideways cycle we seem to be in still.
Haha, you are adorable.
I am also adorable in many ways. For example, I always leave something uneaten on my plate. Always! It is my way of dieting - my way of weight control. It makes him furious.
Lol...I'd like to think I could do the same...But I tend to eat what's put in front of me...A product of my upbringing. I've heard it is polite in some societies to leave something on the plate though. Not sure where, maybe in middle eastern culture? I cant recall where I heard that though.
I am from Istanbul. We like to think of ourselves as part of Europe, but in fact, it is a Middle East country in most ways. But it is far eastern cultures, namely China where leaving behind a bite or two on the plate is considered polite. It shows the host that their meal is filling and substantial.
I, on the other hand, show my boyfriend that I am being careful about my figure even though after a two plates of pasta!
Yes, I had heard that leaving food on the plate meant something like that...A satisfied diner and a bounteous host.
So, also is the benefit of keeping ones figure in eye-wateringly great shape for ones partner; In your case your boyfriend. I do the same for my wife and she in return...Be sometimes a snack sneaks in...😂
I think I will leave my troubles, (if any), out for now, but a suggestion.
Buy a bag of cashews, and add them to the batch. Hide a bag so that the next time she mentions it you can go and add some more and tell her you don't know what she is talking about.
Lol...Bamboozle her huh? Good plan. The old cashew switcheroo. That's a good plan. Or, I could buy some cashews and stash them somewhere to eat when I feel like some...Then, when I don't eat the ones in Faith's nut container she'll think I've turned over a new leaf and am being a good boy. Either would work nicely I think.
Yes, and I fully understand about the cashews, they disappear pretty easy and I am left with mostly almonds as the last nut in the mix jars I buy.
Lol...Same issue afflicts so many of us...Those who only seek to do the right thing, snack healthily and stay on the right side of the nut-law (a.k.a. my wife! 😂
As wily as a fax in that reply mate!
One of my line managers visited his home in Mozambique fortnightly on pay day.
Every Monday morning there would be a 5kg bag of fresh cashew nuts on my desk.
Adorable is not a thing that I know very much, maybe because I forever tease people lol.
A 5kg bag every Monday? Jeez, that's good! 5kg would almost last me throughout the week too! If only that happened to me.
Well, when you come to race the cheetah, we will find a Mozambique connection for you 🤣
👌 💪 😉
It's incredible, it must be a skill or something because my boyfriend does exactly the same thing, eats something and then blames it on the parrot - which is caged-🤣😂
Mmm well, we all have things that make us adorable, I'm a little lazy, everyone complains that people empty the water pitcher and don't fill it, but I fill it, only then I forget to put it back in the fridge
Lol...So you're such a good person to refill the water then you leave it on the counter for someone else to replace into the fridge...That's adorable! (Translates to bloody annoying!).
If I was you I'd blame the parrot...He gets blamed for otter stuff so it won't make too much difference!
😂😂comooooon!!!!can't believe you lied against an innocent cat, that is nor nor adorable(in catty tongue)
But the she's communicating with you...soo adorable☺😊......
Did you know that cashews make the feet smell?
Joking!!!! Just stop eating all the catshewwssss! Arrrggghhhh.....
Lol, cashews could make my head pop off and roll down the road and I'd still eat them. Also, when I have to get out of trouble the cat is a good person to blame...She can't speak out against me!
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There's a fix for that. If you love her, you'll treat her to this! lol

I think with a pretty bow on top!
Haha...Good old Costco!
The only thing is man...I would only be able to gift her with half of it as the other half may, or may not, go missing in action on the way home!
To be honest, she doesn't get too upset about it all, I overstated that part I guess. We're in a position to be able to replenish the cashew nut supplies quite easily...She's more concerned about me smashing out all the cashews as they are less good for my health than the others. Bad cashews, bad!
Now you made me want cashews and some bastard ate them all last week!
Hahaha, all in good fun. Not the same in text as in voice. You have to draw it out for full effect... If you loooove her, you will buy the giant cashew box and take her along to protect them! Good eats.
She likes cashew chocolate; Maybe that would win me some nice brownie points? ...If I don't eat most of it myself. 😂
Clearly she's buying the nut mix because she likes the nut mix in which case maybe you better get yourself a bag of straight up cashews for yourself you pesticle XD
I only eat cashews and hazelnuts (only if the hazelnuts involve chocolate) but I won't pick them out of a mix because that sounds like too much hard work
I occasionally don't get around to doing chores. Especially dishes (the one I hate most but I do it most because the kids won't always and J does the cooking). Especially on pizza nights (I absolutely loathe cleaning up after pizza nights, tactile issues with soggy bread).
I also don't get around to going to bed.
And the reasons for those things because I get on a roll with something and I go like nothing else exists (though I will glance at the time on occasion because I always have somewhere to be at some stage).
Poor J just picks up if he has to, took the poor guy a few years to figure out how to live with a crazy artist XD
Lol @ pesticle!
Yeah, you don't like chores or don't go to bed...Sounds like you're as adorable as I am with those cute little traits! Lol. Don't worry, no one likes chores and if they do they're a weirdo.
I'm a weirdo anyway apparently XD
And me too.
We'll take over the world someday...If we could ever be bothered.
Depends on what's involved with taking over the world. If it's to run things then I sure as hell can't be bothered, got better things to do XD getting people to be decent people so that the world becomes a better place sure :)
Marriage counsellor coming through... I do agree, the best solution would be to buy a pack of mixed nuts, and then another bag of pure cashews. It's a compromise, but don't tell Faith that, since she might kill me, too. I don't mind her doing an round-house kick on your smug face, but just not on mine... It's too precious.
But honestly though, cashews are amazing. I used to do this with the mixed can of chocolates in my house. Some of them contain different nutty insides, and it took me years of mastery to learn how to find which ones were almonds, and which ones weren't. Mom wasn't please, though she kept blaming my brother, which I played along with. I'm not a very good brother... 😈
lol, it wasn't me- it was the cat....should have worked😂
I know right? Might have been in the delivery...Lacking pizzazz! Good excuse for next time although I'll say it with more conviction.
lol, a good story might work too.
Yeah, I need to get creative.
Hahahahha. Hilarious. I love cashews too and I always pick them up first from the mix ahahahahahhahahahahah
Ahmazingly "cute" habit. I feel so good I am not the only one😂
Hmmm what makes me adorable...
Stubborn, cold, fixated, stubborn2, inflexible, secretive, overthinking, proud, stubborn 3. Stubbornminator should be sometimes my name 😂😂
So...You're stubborn you mean? I wasn't sure if that's what you were saying!
Picking out cashew nuts is one of my greatest skills by the way. I'm very good at it.
A bit, just a tiny bit😂😂
I love cashews, they're good. Once I get a bag full of them I can't stop until it's donee😂
Yeah, same here...Cashews are meant to be eaten.
Nom nom nom