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RE: How it Went Down On Christmas

in OCD4 years ago

Well that is something, you two have never seen a white Christmas?
Unbelievable, pretty cool huh? Makes for great picture taking. Do you guys even own boots, gloves, wool hats, ya know, all the clothes you need to go out and play in the snowy back yard? Build your first snowman together?
Oh man, you have got to get over this brrrrrr, it's so cold crap, man up will ya. hehehe


I'm a slow learner. I've heard about these four seasons things, seen it on TV and stuff, now I've seen it with my own eyes.#ImSuchASissy. No, no, no, and no, unless my bicycles gloves count. Boots, great idea! Wool hat, I'll take you up on that one too. I got plenty of board shorts and tank tops.... 🤔

Get over that "it's so cold" crap. If I had a satoshi every time I heard that.

Yes, our very first. We've been in snow obviously but never experienced a white Christmas individually nor together. As she says, "magical."

Happy new year Mrs. Jurg!

I'll have to talk to my daughter and see if she has some time to knit you guys some hats. She does beautiful work.
That's right, I don't knit, I did years ago, but it's too fussy for me now, I feel better with my leather tool belt on.😁

I don't need to tell you my favorite color do I? Goes real good with black, white, yellow, anything.

I can already see myself in it, are you seeing this?? I've never seen such a good lookin dude hat.