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RE: What are your Peakd analytics like?

in OCD3 years ago


I tend to get some crazy view times on my older content.

None of these views are expected to be from within the Hive ecosystem themselves as these pages have risen in ranking quite a lot over time in search engines and are all quite old. While being rather invisible on Hive since people don’t move far beyond the first 24 hours.


While being rather invisible on Hive since people don’t move far beyond the first 24 hours.

I often notice and comment under many days old posts. Sometimes I even notice posts after the post payout (seven days). Some of these posts often have a lot of (probably automatic) upvotes, but 0, or close to 0 comments. Sometimes even in the promoted section. There are many ignored and overlooked posts on the Hive blockchain. So there is indeed a huge visibility problem on this platform.

Great Numbers!

Thanks. I’m hoping at some point I’ll hit a tipping point and my numbers will start rapidly multiplying. Would be cool to be bringing in 100k views a month one day down the road. It still feels so far away.