Greetings to all the friends of the OCD Community. I am @elpastor and it is a privilege for me to share with you my "Quarantine Story" due to the "Coronavirus" pandemic.
As a joke, my quarantine began on May 1, 2018, when I was unexpectedly told that I was retired from Venezuela's main industry, "Petróleos de Venezuela", a product of the great economic crisis facing the country. The news fell like a pandemic, it was so sudden that I did not expect it, since I was only 52 years old and the normal retirement age is 60 years.
Since May 1, 2018 my social quarantine began, you can imagine a person with 27 consecutive years working and suddenly you stop being an active person to start a retirement life. This is staying home, watering the plants in your garden, and the good news is having enough time to share with your family. In the same way, buy the necessary things at home and have more time to share with your friends and family and enough time to attend the evangelical church to serve God.
Retirement life is a bit similar to the one I started living with the "Coronavirus" quarantine.
With the sudden arrival of the "Coronavirus" an isolated and confined life began. Isolated life only allows you to see the faces of your closest relatives, such as wife and children. You lose track of time, I keep asking myself, "What day is today?" My children reply, "Dad is going crazy!"
The day starts very early at 5:00 am, with a personal devotional, since I am the pastor of a church, which fortunately is next to my house. Then I read the Bible and I lock myself in my room to prepare the material that I must publish in Hive and in the different communities where I participate in this Blockchen.

Social quarantine has favored me in the sense that I have more time to work on the Hive platform, take care of the plants in my garden and, of course, enjoy the family.
Being the head of the house, I have to go out once a week to the respective supermarkets to buy what is necessary for the house. I have to go out with my mask, because the national government has decreed it as mandatory. That time I go shopping, I take the opportunity to visit my mother and other families, and when they see me with the mask on, they smile and say to me: Well, well ... you, who are deaf and now wearing a mask. Go ahead, you look like a deaf mute now! "This is a joke, because I have hearing problems.
In this way, my quarantine passes, in the devotional life, the gardening work, the family dedication, the dedication to work in Hive to publish and recreate myself. I close the day watching television and checking social networks. Thank God, I am in good health and in a very delicate financial situation, because the pension I receive as a retiree is enough to buy three packages of rice; Yes, I accept any donation ... ha ha ha! Believe it or not, it helped me a lot with Hive and other platforms where we work publishing very varied content, my person in particular publishes in Education, Religion and poetry. My children do it in the musical area. For this I thank God, for Hive, who has been my ally in this quarantine.

People infected with Covid-19
To the truth that thanks to God, in my country there have been very few cases, there is a very strict quarantine control to avoid contagion, and people in my country, Venezuea, have taken it very seriously and strict preventive measures are followed . . Today, by the way, during the purchases, we had the visit of people from the government who carried out the census and evaluated if there were people with the flu and respiratory problems. As I told you, there is very strict control. This has helped prevent the number of infected people across the country from exceeding 145 as of the date I write my quarantine history. With this I confirm that I do not know anyone in my family and community that is affected by this disease. Known cases are those mentioned on television and other media.
Family ties and personal empowerment
After 27 years working and without being able to share with my family, thank God that since May 1, 2018, the time has been quite ally to strengthen my family's ties. Now I have more time to share and communicate with my wife and children.
Communication has been a fundamental pillar for family and personal strengthening. I believe I am making the best possible use of this quarantine with closer family ties and personal and spiritual growth.

It was a great pleasure to share with you my story, thanks to the initiative of @theycallmedan a big hug to all, may God bless us and help us overcome all this, all according to his will.