You don't have to let it go, just don't let it define you.
I can see that you said you will be practicing touch typing from reading Joan @joanstewart comment. I had a dinosaur of a nun in keyboarding class/typing and you were given a keyboard that was blank. There was a drawn keyboard at the front of the class, so yes! You learned to touch type. I didn't see the advantage of it then, but, I am thankful for dinosaurs.
What your body is trying to recover from is much more difficult for your doctors to define as such, as you said, you seem pretty much fine unless they knew what you were capable of. It is going to take time and definitely patience. I know it is unsettling for you and probably scary for your wife, but, I don't think anyone I know of has tried harder to succeed with therapy than you. Be easier on your progress. Many take a long time in the recovery phase.
I feel like you are doing remarkable, just not your expected progress with your usual diligence.
I am not trying to give you some knock-off answer for this very real-life scene. Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you.