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RE: Musical connections

in OCD4 years ago

Eden has such a smooth, melodious voice that entices you to take the ride with her. It was no accident that you ran into each other here on Hive. You have an uncanny ability to attract people here on the platform and in real life as well, friending and making different types of relationships, everywhere you go. You are, in fact, a friend indeed.

Thank you for sharing her with us. I took her home with me so that I could share her with others. She is so very lovely, and, so is her voice.


Hi Swigs, yes she is lovely and lovely of voice and I hope she achieves what she has set out to attain; deserves it. One of the good ones I think.

Thanks also for your kind words. I'm a bit of a knucklehead mostly, but I get lucky sometimes, run into some nice people. 😊

Not a chance. I have met knuckleheads and they don't look anything like you. 😁

Looks can deceive. Like the cover of a book, it's only once the pages are turned does one truly know what's within.

Well I have to admit that you're right but because I don't think that way it didn't even occur to me. Stop answering me when I'm trying to think of my superpower. Lol

My super power is interrupting people whilst they write about their super power.

Mine is always running off just when it gets fun. Breakfast meeting. Yahoo! Need that beauty sleep!

You can come back when you like. Always welcome. But you knew that because you have ESP.