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Catchy Title?
Wishful thinking?
Often times when we hear about decentralised, it has always been emphasis on the blockchain, or the Internet. The Web 3.0 can be really overwhelmingly great and idealistic, but how many of them truly beneficial for the Green and Blue Planet we call home (before those who attempted to abandon ship for the new front tier?
I personally also felt hopeless when we look at the increase of population also produces the side effect of increase pollution and landfill, with no possible solution except reporting that nature is taking its course in starting to produce bacteria that digests plastic ....
Until, I saw something significantly exciting
With a wishful thinking... will a technology that occupies the size of 1 parking lot like manner of decentralised eco-friendly disintegrating center be able to help curb the world environment?
With about almost half a million HIVE to start-up?
based on today's exchange rate
Introducing Asher
A tool that cost between 350K Hive - almost 500K HIVE (pricing in Nov 2019 quoted depending on what sort of enhancement it needs for eco-friendly environment in a crowded space), this is one breakthrough discovery the engineering waste disposal company thought hard to find ways to curb the growing landfill that the people in Malaysia is producing daily.
If the @gtpjfoodbank's introduction was accurate where the amount of wastage people in Malaysia produced 7 years ago (and pretty much estimate still increasing year by year due to increase of population), very soon, there will be no more trees around because the land is cleared up for landfill, although many non-profit enterprises including the @gtpjfoodbank are trying to find ways to reduce waste and reduce landfill piling.
Don't talk about profit at the moment... but what if...
Just like decentralised network that helps to keep the data integrated, decentralised waste disposal before sending to the landfill (or even creating sand bricks - watch the youtube) is possible running almost 24/4 within walking distance of communities to send their garbage of the day to be disintegrated into ash (literally) before calling landfill service to take it away, would such integrated teamwork be able to liberate the increasingly alarming pollution in compact urban cities like the capital of Malaysia?
Imagine if eco-friendly ash disintegrated from garbage can actually be re-use for the planet / construction.... nothing goes to waste, how green would the planet be, and how unnecessary reduction of population (the secret program that those conspiracy theorists been trumpeting) is needed, when each, though decentralised, still work together to benefit the whole?
Maybe... just maybe , this could work
Regardless how much time we have left on this planet; for the sake of the future generation.
Until then

HQ @littlenewthings
Decentralised Sustainable EcoSystem, initiative member.A technology can come and go; but when a lifestyle is applied to it, it becomes a new revolution.
1% of this post goes to null in the support of keeping HIVE alive
1% of this post goes to @gtpjfoodbank in the support of building up the community and feed the poor
I am very interested if this could really work for NGOs too!
That would be great if NGOs are able to obtain this through joint effort charity, you'll never know. Malaysia was able to gather 3mil donations for Covid-19.
Interesting! Would love to see that happen
Yes, but I wonder, how to initiate this community by community?
That's the golden question. Probably need to get an investor or group of like-minded people first.
Probably education is the first
Terrific video. And a great idea. As usual, it starts with an idea and then it will be executed. By us? I doubt.
Well, I do hope so at least by residential communities, but actually this machine is already available for commercial services.
So, maybe, perhaps maybe, that could be something happening in the future.
Thank you for your honest comment.