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RE: High fives

in OCD4 years ago

Late congrats on your birthday Smallsteps, hope you had a great day of celebration (it looks like in the photos).

Taking this as a diary makes me think about the future and what we leave behind in the past.

Most often people tend to look too much into their past which leads them to live the present in terms of past feelings. It's nothing that makes me feel comfortable, never did, why? Cos I faced death too close (many times) to attach myself to what's not here anymore. I really think that what is worth is living the present as if there was no tomorrow, who knows? As you stated in your post and other posts, our reality is too much volatile or should I say that is more like a gaseous one. Nothing remains the same and changes happen really fast nowadays. You can not take things for granted and plans may have to be rebuild on the fly most likely.

I don't care about the past but wish that everything I leave behind doesn't come up one day when it's present. That means I need to think before I step since I want my footprints being accurate avoiding distortion on what I am.

No matter what we do, we are references, we are the mirrors in which our children will look into some day, as we did before. That's something to take seriously.

We build our history while flowing in life...


I really think that what is worth is living the present as if there was no tomorrow, who knows?

I agree, with one caveat. While I think we should live well in the present, that doesn't mean we shouldn't plan and work for the future. The reality is that while we don't know what the next moment holds, the average predicts we will likely live til we are 80 something. I know people who are mid-40s like myself and plan nothing - but they will probably live the last 30 years of their life struggling in many ways. It is a hard life.

As you say, the past can come back to haunt us :)

Of course one must be as much prepared for the future as posible. I'm not, in any way, talking about living a crazy life but more about being prepared to change our plans unexpectedly.
It's more like: "don't miss the present by sticking todo much to the past or the future"... they actually don't exist.