My first real vacation after my first real job

in OCD4 years ago

The last two weeks were quite exciting, I had the occasion of keeping my mornings busy with an actual job!
And I kinda like that.
My role is to take care of mechanical tasks, like scanning, printing, categorizing documents and so on, for an accountant. Now I'm currently on 'vacation' as she hired me in a period too close to the nearest deadline and there wasn't time to train me in order to be actually useful but, at least this is what I've been told, I'll return in the mid of September to complete my training and start working, for real this time!

While in the past usually waking up early meant I had to do something boring or straight up I hated, this time it meant I had the occasion of being an adult and prepare myself for my working shift. And oh boi if I love it!
Every day I would open the office, turn on all the computers and start scanning, making new folders and if an error would occur independently by its nature I would've probably the solution for it because I know kinda well that world, something I cannot say about my previous employment during which I was completely clueless about possible solutions and always felt like a fish out of water. This is probably the thing that made me like this work; having control over the situation in fact drastically improved my self-confidence and no longer felt powerless in case something would've happened.

As a plus, as said it kept busy just my mornings. Leaving enough time and energy in order to do something else and as a big nerd and gamer I really, really appreciate this perk, ahaha!

Now, I'm sitting here waiting eagerly for September to come and maybe, for that call to be received. But until then, I'll continue to do what I do, aware of the fact my 'happy future' is closer than I thought!