Splinterland Season Rewards (120 Chests) + Epic Battle

in OCD4 years ago

Captura de Pantalla 20200906 a las 18.11.45.png

A lot has been said lately regarding @splinterlands latest update. Some love it, others not so much. I am stuck in the middle I guess... leaning towards liking it. Before complaining and whining in Discord about the changes, I want the update to fully develop (within 1 month) to then decide if I like it or not. Its a bummer that I got back into the game after a couple of years gone and as soon as I get back the juicy rewards get removed. I know.. I am greedy, but who isn´t in this market. But on the bright side, less cards being printed make my cards to be more valuable so... I shouldn´t complain.

I have to say that I have high expectations about the new leaderboards that are being developed. Giving the chance to all level players to fight for the top spots on each leaderboard is amazing. This means that not only the rich will get richer, smaller accounts will have the chance to battle for those precious packs and this is a huge step forward in my opinion. But I shouldn't make conclusions before the update goes live so... let's just wait a few weeks and see how this unfolds.

But to sum up, the way I see it (big noob here) the more cards that are printed, the less valuable they will be in the long run. Therefore printing less cards means all SPL card holders should expect their cards to increase in value with time.

Luckily, at the end of the last season I decided to record the opening of my 120 chests (dont know if I will ever open 120 chests again 😞) because I got some amazing rewards. Don´t want to spoil it but this season was my best one so far so please watch the video and enjoy the thrill of opening those chests with me!

I am also attaching a video of a pretty epic battle. Again I don´t want to say anything else to not spoil the fun but watch it and tell me what you think.

Thanks for reading guys and see you all in the battlefield!


Hey man, nice to see you around! I'm also coming back to the block after a long break. There are a lot of things to catch up with, but it's great to see how things have developed, more than all this year.

That chest opening seemed fun btw, it kind of reminds me to opening chests in poker stars back in the day, it really has something addictive to it.