Hi everyone ❤
Like I promised, I'm back here again 😊. Although not too frequent but consistent.
So around 6:45am on Monday, I left my house without breakfast 😂, and I was headed to my first ever tech conference held in Lagos,Nigeria. I was so excited because I didn't know what exactly to expect but I knew I was going to meet a lot of likeminds there and network with them.
I got there about 30mins to the takeoff time so we had to wait till 9am before we could check in. I wouldn't want to bore you out so in summary, I enjoyed myself a lot, the hosts were awesome, saw different products being pitched, met founders and co-founders amidst other wonderful things that happened there😊.
I forgot to add earlier, we were required to pay $4 for registration.
Lot's of companies/startups were represented at the event e.g Zeddpay, Lazerpay, Spheron, Filecoin, Frelapay e.t.c.
● NETWORK: A lot of guys/ladies in tech don't really network. Skills alone cannot get you that dream job in Google or that internship position at Tesla. You have to network, let people know what you can do and see your work, make friends with people of like minds. I can say a large percentage of jobs gotten in tech were by referrals.
● BUILD: Building is key, it takes time and a lot of efforts. Don't just get into the tech industry with the sole aim of getting money out of it, you have to build yourself enough time be sought after. This also applies to startup founders. Build well so that when an opportunity comes you'd be able to execute it effectively, otherwise that opportunity might never come again. So what I'm saying literally is take time to build.
● SOLVE PROBLEMS: During the program, I observed that 100% of the startups that pitched their products were keen on solving problems, not just getting wealthy. I believe if someone wants to get wealthy, just look for problems around you and start working on solutions. Once you get solutions to those problems, in no time you'd be highly sought for by people with those problems and you generate income.
I have a startup idea, should I share? Nahh probably not now😂😂
● DREAM BIG!!!: There's nothing you can't achieve if you set your mind to do it. You want to be the next Microsoft,Google,Apple? See yourself there first and beginning working towards it. You can achieve it. Don't be scared to dream big. Once you set your mind on achieving something, you're not so far away any longer, just be diligent and consistent, you'd get there🤝.
I hope you learned a thing or two😊
Below is a picture I took with a friend and the co-founder of Frelapay
Nice. It's good you are attended that event because it has a way of opening your mind to the possibilities available in the tech world. I don't know how viable something like this would be in Nigeria but if people are doing it, it shows there is a possibility of starting somewhere and hopefully blowing up your startup to a point where you can expand to an environment that is more stable for it's growth.
Yes it is indeed, I know a lot of Nigerian startups that are blossoming, some personally. I truly believe that in the nearest future, a lot of unicorns would emerge from Nigeria. Thanks for engaging 😊