Introducing Myself docallyn to hive

in OCD3 years ago

Hey, hi, it’s me. I’m Allyn, your resident chronic illness coach and consultant.


I started Doing it Despite after my 15+ year journey with chronic pain and illness. This business was born from the idea and belief that healing from chronic illness is not only possible, but it get to be simple. No more feeling isolated, frustrated or mis-understood. Healing and stepping into your most aligned self is part of your story. You get to own it. ⁣

I don’t follow all the rules or protocols. I don’t buy into the “shoulds” or do something just because other people are. I am smart and capable enough to know what I need most, and so are you.⁣

I teach that all you need is already within you (for real). I take my clients through a holistic journey of coupling both mindset and proven strategic skills to create an unshakeable foundation on which to grow a big, beautiful, healthy life.⁣

I hold the true belief that we are all more than our illnesses and the weight of the pain we may carry. Your diagnosis or lack-of doesn’t define you. I personally believe that all of the women I attract into my community are highly intuitive and wildly smart. They recognize that they are meant for more and that their current reality is only a piece of the picture. They are action takers and quite honestly, a force to be reckoned with. If they are meant to learn from me and called to do so, they will step forward without having to be convinced. The same goes for you. ⁣

I am here each day to empower you, support you and be a living testimony to the fact that you can heal on your own terms and grow into the life you’ve been envisioning. ⁣

I’m so grateful you are here and think you’re the absolute best.⁣