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RE: .

in OCD3 years ago

Thank you for sharing these videos. Nice storytelling, loved that show.
But here's my question, was the signed card in the deck at all times? If so, I can't give you an "FU", but I can give you an "FM", "you fooled me".
I am not super familiar with cardmagic, probably just the inner drive to know the solution.
Just repeat myself, great show. 🙌


No the card was not signed in the deck. No duplicates were used. Just pure advanced card work, with origins straight from the gaming tables of crooked gamblers. These techniques are virtually unknown to the public.

Cardmanship at it's finest (the techniques and methods that is, not my demonstration...i still have much refinement to do).

I would say to not look for the solution; not all things need to be known, especially in a society where the thirst to know everything is ingrained in us. It's done on purpose you know. I don't say this to protect my craft, but to protect your spirit of wonder. As a card magician i had to pay the price of not being able to see magic from the perspective of a lay person (which in itself is a wonderful thing), i've lost that sight when i opened the door to all the secrets. Thats the price i had to pay. For you that price is not needed.

Thanks for stopping by!