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RE: A Key Demographics and Joe Rogan

in OCD5 months ago

I feel your pain. I may live on the far side of the world, but my home State is Indiana and so that is where I vote via absentee ballot (which, I guess, according to Trump means my vote is fake). Meaning my vote almost never counts as the State is almost always Red. Ho hum... so it goes.

Rogan is just so incoherent most of the time. Even when he has a good point, he can't seem to get it out without a ton of digression, backing up, repeating himself, segueing into stories about his mixed martial arts days, etc. It is so painful to listen to him. That said, that is a pretty good quote you pull. I detest Trump. But there is something to what Rogan said there.


Yes at Indiana your impact is probably similar to mine. I do think I impact the down ballot though. Houston is heavily democratic. Our house ticket is democratic. Senate is tightly contested although Ted Cruz should win if the polls are remotely accurate.

Back to Rogan. During Covid when he gained popularity he was deranged to probably outright dangerous. That said that stuff sells in America now and he knows how to sell it. He is popular and his podcast is incredibly popular no denying that. Since I am a fan of spoken words I must keep a tab on the narrative whether I like it or not. I absolutely don't like Joe Rogan.